Zane, Chapter 7/Update

Well I have my fingers and toes crossed that it won't get worse.
This has got my medical brain on the move again here.

Can you post pics of his leg?
My memory has faded since the beginning of all of this. Is the infection localized in one spot of his leg? The upper or lower half?
I'd have to get pics and I'm not sure you could tell much because you can feel the fluid in the hock joint bend, not really see it much. If you can imagine a bent leg, right in the bend, on the back of the hock joint is full of fluid; also higher up, there is a raised bump and on the outside of the hock, there is a lump of fluid or infection that is a bit below the actual bend. Before, it was always localized in one spot we could lance open, but now it's more scattered.
so kind of like water on the knee, but the backside?

I'm wondering if he has a bit of arthritis now?

I'm racking my brain and doing some research.
Yes, just like water on the knee, but on the back. Then in addition to that, there are two more lumps filled with something, but not as watery feeling, more firm. He could have arthritis and the lack of feeling in the foot is probably permanent. The leg will not straighten no matter what we do. And it hurts him alot to try, though we have done stretching exercises with it.
Hi, Cynthia.
Was thinking about you all and Zane yesterday. How's he doing now that winter has really set in?

I've been praying that all is well, and that I didn't miss any sad news.
Well, I hate that he cant get out. Since he has to sit on the ground, it's too cold for him most of the time. I do bring him into the house once a day to spend some time with us and terrorize the cowardly dog. He just chatters to himself, calls whoever will listen to come eat treats with him, etc. He has no use of the leg at all and never will, but he is sweet and interested and usually, quite cheerful. Such a trooper he is!

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