Zane, Chapter 7/Update

Bless his heart!

DH was giving me a hard time the other day about wanting to bring my banties inside to play with them. They want some serious cuddling and it's just been too cold outside.
That's what got me started thinking about Zane. I'm so glad to know he's still happy with his life. Thanks for the update!
The sun won't be up for another 1.5-2 hours, here...
Give Zane a hug...
I am sorry there is no hope of regaining the use of that leg but he is such a happy and loved boy. Glad he is still enjoying life.

Cyn...was a cause ever found as to exactly what happened to start all of this in the first place? I have read every post but do not remember if I read it. I was wondering if it was an injury, a bite of sorts or just an infection...?
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We are really not 100% sure. He did injure his leg when he was pushed off the roosts by the older hens. But he began sitting more and more till finally he couldn't walk at all and he looked ill. He did get his color back after antibiotics, but his leg has never gotten the least bit better. When we noticed his hock was severely infected, it was thought that possibly it was a spider bite from him laying in the leaves all the time, but that was never verified. I just know he used to use the foot on the bad leg for balance and now he cannot unbend the leg to do even that much, even after therapy with electricity, heat, stretching, etc. He hops on one leg, using his wings for balance. I knew the winter would be hard for him, not being able to get outside alot. The cold, wet ground cant be a good thing for Zane.
I'm sure the cold wet ground isn't good for him either. At least with the playpen he can be outside when the weather permits and off the ground.
Well Bless his heart. I wonder if there is come sort of contraption can be built for him that will allow him to move around the yard on his own...ya know like the wheeled things they have for dogs...

Although I just pictured Zane chasing the girls on a cart with a wheelie bar and admit...I am chuckling.

Just let him spend his time with you inside and in his playpen and just bed down at night. He is such a sweet boy with a big heart to have gone through all of this and still want to be a rooster...alerting for the girls and you and so forth.

Hug him for me and give him some veggies!

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