~*~ Zebra Survivors Rp ~*~- All are welcome


9 Years
Jul 28, 2014
One Morning in Africa a huge rainstorm separated strands of zebra herds into smaller more powerful herds.. This meant that survival was going to be much harder for them: Less defense for the foals…. You must raise a family we'll, If not your generation might not mke it this spring. They must stay in their own territory or it may get dirty.

  • Americano and I are in control of this Rp what we say goes
  • Keep the story PG
  • No Rp'ing till I have accepted you
  • Dominant male for Females,Beta's- may be reserved by PM me
  • Your Male may mate with Females but no details, (Same goes for having foals)
  • BYC Rules apply
  • No cussing (Or your character will be deleted or up for another person)
  • No drama
  • If you are injured in a fight…- bones should be set for at least a day (Real time)
  • You may fight but keep it low
  • No turning the story drastically without my knowledge
  • Keep track of all characters please
  • Have Fun!!


Phantom grazers- They are the best at searching for food and are very good at defending themselves but lack doing well raising their young and do lots of fighting with the battle zebra's

Running Stripes- They are excellent Runners and are faster than most other zebra's… Raise excellent young but freak out in thunderstorms

Desert Zebra's- Hot place to live and they have hardly no attackers.. Its hard to find water, good at raising young

Battle of Zebra's- They are the meanest Zebra herd and do most of their fighting with the phantom grazers… they are terrible at raising young

Bachelors- The Bachelors are all the young adult males that form as a herd and try too take over a lead male

Rank in the herds

Lead mare- tells the herd where to go and is in charge
Lead male- Mate to the lead mare and helps protect the herd from roaming Bachelors
Beta- Normally a female and a sister
Watch Guards- consisting of 2 females or of 2 males- they look for danger or threats.
Members- are the filly's 1 and older

Forums must be assigned like this


Character list: https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/zebra-rp-survivors-all-are-welcome
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Name: Toby
Gender: male
Age: 2
Herd/Family: Phantom Grazers
Rank: lead male
History: Same a plot.
Personality: Smart, can be bossy, loyal, fast, strong
Mate: Lead Female
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Name: Julie
Gender Female
Age: 2
Herd/Family: Phantom grazers
Mate: Toby??
Foal: Not yet
Rank: Lead female
History: Same plot
Personality: Wants the best for the herd, smart,cunning
Name: Maze
Gender: female
Age: 4
Herd/Family:Racing Stripes
Mate: lead male
Foal: none yet
Rank: lead mare
History: Was separated from the herd during a lightning storm that lit the safari on fire., She realized that they had been separated from the lead mare and took over as the the lead mare and saved her herd from the fire.
Personality: Shy, sweet, gentle, and smart.

Gender: M
Age: 2
Herd/Family: Racing Stripes
Mate: Maze
Foal: none yet
Rank:lead Male
History: He joined the racing stripes and has been from the blood line of his father who was also "Lead Male"
Personality: Very strong,good fighter,fast, loving father
Description see pic above
Wear will start the RPing till we have a few more people coming in
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We will now start RPing!!!

Julie raised her tail and said "Watch out Maze!" There in front of him was a cactus

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