Zero Dollar chicken coop in process!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 4, 2011
Southwest MI
Well, the "chicks"...

Wait. Who are we kidding? They're chickens. Miniature 6 week old chickens. Poultry. With feathers. And lots of poop.

The feathered pooping poultry have taken over the workshop. They've covered the scroll saw in their precious droppings. They greet me in the morning by hollerin' and then flapping straight at me. Oh, they're love flaps to be sure, but still. The time has come.

This weekend, hubby will be turning this gorgeous pile of construction debris from our old crusty kitchen (don't get me started...)


into a Zero Dollar castle for our clucky friends. It'll still get covered in their precious droppings, but at least it won't be next door to my bedroom!

Wish us luck!
We did this last year too! We had scrap wood around the yard and some wood that was given to us....we didn't spend a dime on it, and it's works great! Good luck with this adventure, should be interesting and fun!
I'm super excited! The chick(en)s are out in the woods with my big girls right now and they are SOOOO happy. Warm, sunny day already and it's not eve 11 a.m. yet. Woo hoo!
We are in the process of building ours too.. it will be done today, all but paint which has to wait. ALL recycled materials from around the yard, hinges, wood, chicken wire and all!
Love it! Yes, we won't be finished making it pretty today, but my hubby insists they'll be sleeping in there tonight. Thank God it's still light at 9:30 p.m.
I just saw your blog...I have blog too...But yours in an amazing story and your kids are Adorable!

What's your blog address? I'd love to take a look!
I just saw your blog...I have blog too...But yours in an amazing story and your kids are Adorable!

What's your blog address? I'd love to take a look!

sent you a pm...I'm a little embarrest....yours so much more fun and interesting and mine's just about my family, mostly my kids!
What's your blog address? I'd love to take a look!

sent you a pm...I'm a little embarrest....yours so much more fun and interesting and mine's just about my family, mostly my kids!

Oh my have 4 cats and 49 chickens. That's exciting right there!

AND, on another note...the chicks are IN the coop

I can't believe he pulled it off

pictures to follow soon...
sent you a pm...I'm a little embarrest....yours so much more fun and interesting and mine's just about my family, mostly my kids!

Oh my have 4 cats and 49 chickens. That's exciting right there!

AND, on another note...the chicks are IN the coop

I can't believe he pulled it off

pictures to follow soon...

Okey dokey...for pics and the story:


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