**zip Ties**


8 Years
Aug 8, 2011
Olympia, Washington
i know many of you use color coated zip ties to manage your flock and keep track of certin bird ect... when i went to put tiny ties on my chicks they tried to peck them off so i clipped them off for fear of them hurting themself or the others... is there some sort of trick to this or do they just get used to having them on. Thanks for all your feedback in advance.

Don't put them on too tight or too loose. Allow some wiggle room, but not enough to slip off the foot or over their 'knee' joint.

I found they get used to them quickly. And since they are pecking at the plastic, not the leg beneath, no injuries have resulted. I keep track of mine with colored zip ties.
i did the same but they where relentless about getting them off and didnt want to wait to see if injury would incure from leaving them on, so i will just put them back on and leave them for a day and see if they get used to it after all. Thanks
I haven't put any on chicks, but I've banded my EEs that look similar with ties so I can track who's laying what egg. Not one of them has even looked at the tie after I put it on. I like that they are easy to remove and replace.

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