Zombie attack

I am preparing my little girls by forcing them to watch old Buffy episodes in the hopes that one will be the future Slayer and keep me safe.
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Don't forget to stock up on Iodine, if you don't get the Iodine on a Zombie bite within 10 minutes, the only other choice is high amputation. And you really have to be careful of Zombie chickens----they can look like a broody hen in the early stages of infection. A converted Cargo Container buried like a root cellar is the way to go---that will even protect you from the Comet Zombiefying Radiation.
You know--- sometimes I can't figure out what the heck ya'll are talking about.

There is a saying among survivalist types that if you are prepared for a zombie apocalypse, you will be prepared for the more mundane, every day emergencies like floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, riots, wildfires, etc... Basically anything that would cause a breakdown in society and basic services.

I believe this is true.

So while we do use humor and it can take very funny turns, there is a core of reality there. After all, the "zombies" you might one day face could be looters, gang members, or a hoard of refugees.

I recommend Zombieland and Shawn of the Dead as 2 good movies to start your training.​
Paranoid much Debi? Sounds like you're also prepared for an alien attack, lol!

Let me see...

High powered rifle with scope? Check!

Self Defense courses? Check!

Molitov cocktails? Check!

Wooden boards, nails, hammers? Check!

Drills with extra batteries for when arms tire of hammering? Check!

Machetes? Check! (Just in case, since, well, I DO live in the corn fields. Zombies COULD be demon children that believe in He Who Walks Behind the Rows)

Food supply, complete with Doritos and Cheetos? Check!

Water supply? Check!

Camoflauge paint so the zombies don't see me? Check!

Camo clothing straight from the surplus store? Check!

Steeltoed boots with switchblade attachment (like I'd EVER be able to get my foot THAT high!)? Check!

Secret underground bunker? Check!

First Aid kit with enough supplies to treat 500 people, but is only meant for my immediate family? Check!

Ok, I'm still working on my supply list, but I'm getting there. I know those zombies are coming, it's only a matter of time. There isn't a zombie movie that I haven't seen. Watch out, cause even the cows can be zombies!!! And those zombie chickens? They're the worst! Keep your eyes peeled, it's just a matter of time before that secret government experiment escapes...
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Well said Wifezilla. Joking aside working toward being able to self sustain and protect the family is our goal. We have well water and a back up generator if the electric goes out. I am also working on storing up food.
Store up food now. The naysayers laugh. But we'll feel bad for you when you go lurching past the house with a burning desire for brains.

I think you need two people, at a minimum. One for long range zombie sniping and the other for close work.

Purell should work for zombie-germs so stock up on that. Bactine has also proven effective against zombie infection.

The front door trapdoor, from "The Book of Eli" was great! Genius!

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