Zombie attack

I reckon a Hobbit Hole would make an excellent bunker... and we can have elevenses too.

A couple Hobbit recipes if anyone's as much a dork as I... http://hobbitmeals.wordpress.com/2009/07/06/hobbit-recipes/

I've never had Hobbit. Is it good?

Party at Ground Zero, Baby! If it's comes at me worse than what I'm prepared for now, I don't want to be around to mess with it. I have better places to be.
Seriously, couldn't you see this...


as a lot easier to defend than a houseful of bay windows?

Ohhh... now I think on it that'd make a really cute coop too.... *makes note*

Edit... chickensducks&agoose HOLY POO ON TOAST THAT IS AWESOME... I mean, I thought I had some pretty darn neat idears (I read a LOT of fiction) but it's neato to see some of them and more designed and ready to build.
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Although we don't have any guns, we have TONS of powertools and knives. I'm sure I could improvise... hehehe.

I don't think chickens can get infected because they're not mammals. Dogs can get infected, though.
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