zombie quail


10 Years
Aug 25, 2009
manhattan, ks
So, most of my experience has been with coturnix, but i got some tn reds about 1 1/2 months ago. They WERE in the garage outta the elements until last week when i put them outside (hoping that exposure to pre-winter conditions followed by a return to the garage will get them to lay this year) and i only lost a couple. This morning i went to feed them and lost 6 overnight. 5 were cold and stiff and i had to euthanize the last one. It looked like something outta a horror flick! These guys had their heads picked at till their little brains were exposed....

Do they need more space? cage is 8" high, 20" deep and 7'long...currently i have around 30 left

Is this a sign of sexual maturity, with the weaker males falling victim to territorial disputes?

Is it possible that something spooked them (my chicken killin' owl) which caused them to try to fly, bump their heads and then the ones that began to bleed got the attention of the others?

Any input would be appreciated here...
That doesn't sound like near enough space for 40 birds. All the other ideas I wouldn't say no to but I think you need more space for them.
I am currently keeping 50-70 coturnix in the same size cage with no problems....i realize that bobs aren't quite as laid back as coturnix, but why wouldn't i have these problems till i moved them outside?
Fitzy Welcome To Bobs! Not Nearly Enough Space Bubba
And The Chicken Killin Owl May Be Helping Too...
Are you sure you got the measurements right? That would be like 5-7 birds to a square foot. I don't see that working.
Nice looking setup but to me that is way to many birds for the space. Is that the water on the front or is it a feeder also?

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