Recent content by Dixie Chick

  1. Dixie Chick

    RI red rooster yellow exudate

    Unfortunately no vets nearby who fool with chickens. I didn't see anything inside the beak. He won't open enough to see his throat. Will try the Nutridrench, should be able to find some at Tractor Supply . Really appreciate the help...we've had the boy for several years now, hate to lose him if...
  2. Dixie Chick

    RI red rooster yellow exudate

    Hi Eggcessive, thank you for responding! No respiratory issues ever, neighbor has no chickens. ;Mucous appears to be from his mouth, not nostrils or eyes. I believe I hear a slight wheeze on occasion which makes me wonder if he's not aspirated. Crop is empty and he's very weak today. Not eating...
  3. Dixie Chick

    RI red rooster yellow exudate

    Neighbors have been caring for my chickens while I was sick. Came home to this- poor guy isn’t eating and obviously looks pretty rough. All the hens have pasty butts too. No idea what to do for them, any help appreciated.
  4. Dixie Chick

    Rhode Island Red Thread

    He's actually from Chattanooga. He was hand raised by a friend's family member, very friendly little thing. They have a very small flock and had both this bird and a gorgeous lavender buff orpington roo. I already have a RIR rooster though, so I'm going to have to find him a home.
  5. Dixie Chick

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    Thank you!
  6. Dixie Chick

    Rhode Island Red Thread

    Was given this lovely little bird today, supposedly 9 weeks old. Roo or hen?
  7. Dixie Chick

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    Acquired this lovely today, supposedly 9 weeks. Hen or Roo?
  8. Dixie Chick

    Well we did it ... first ever chickens ... coop build

    Would you mind sharing what it cost to build this? Beautifully done! Been looking at ideas for coops, yours is outstanding!
  9. Dixie Chick

    Our First chicken Coop

    Dang, that's a pretty thing! Did you purchase plans or is that an original design? How big is it?
  10. Dixie Chick

    Good Price

    LOL! Sorry Sean, didn't see that you were from Ireland! I saw the $ in your post instead of the Euro sign. My bad :P
  11. Dixie Chick

    Good Price

    I believe that's in Ireland.... :( The 175 is Euro currency, not US
  12. Dixie Chick

    What dog is best for guarding chickens?

    Great Pyrenees are fabulous dogs, their natural instinct is to guard...but as with any breed, they require training. No matter what dog you get, there's an investment in time and effort to ensure that you understand the dog, the dog understands you and what you want it to do, and what you don't...
  13. Dixie Chick

    Here we go.

    Can't wait to see it all completed. Looks awesome so can only get better!!
  14. Dixie Chick

    Okay, Coop Is Finished! Whaddya think? *PICS*

    What an amazing coop! Would you mind sharing how much it cost to build? I love all the detail...the egg finials, the rockwork, the awesome screened in walkway. The wallboard is an especially nice touch, easy cleaning, woot!
  15. Dixie Chick

    Pic Heavy Ugly but nearly free Coop built by a simple housewife

    Looks pretty darn awesome to me! Hat's off to you! I can only hope my first coop will be half as good as yours.
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