Recent content by horselover

  1. horselover

    One of my 12 girls died today

    Thanks so much for your sweet comments. It helps a lot. Joyce
  2. horselover

    how to deal with issue with "free" eggs?

    I am in pretty much of a smiliar situation. But, I can tell you what to do, but not do it myself. LOL I think I would personally go over and tell them that you had an excess of eggs and anytime that you do you will be happy to bring them a dozen. But, you do have paying customers and you...
  3. horselover

    One of my 12 girls died today

    I had not noticed this hen being sick until last night. And she was just almost out of it. She walked around so slowly and did not go in the house at bedtime. I carried her in and put her in one of the nests. But, I had noticed she had blood all around her vent and lots of poo. Kinda of...
  4. horselover

    hen with tail down *** Update still down but not egg bound... HELP!

    I would give her some oil with a syringe without the needle directly into her mouth. I used cooking oil and the next day my hen seemed okay. She was droopy, uninterested in eating and I did not know anything about egg bound (even though I was raised on a farm with poultry) except what I had...
  5. horselover

    whats this i leave for awhile and you guys hide from me

    Well, I get an email regarding 'what's this i leave for awhile and you guys hide from me. I don't understand how I got this. I used to be on Backyard chickens a lot, but when moved to another forum I somehow lost out as to how to get around on it. Thanks for sending the email regardless of...
  6. horselover

    Wanted some time this year--started Black Sex Link Pullets--only a few

    Thanks. I did find one in Ohio which is a ways from me. However, by the time I pay shipping these pullets should be made of gold. Maybe I will find another from the web site you gave me. Joyce
  7. horselover

    Free Ranging ~worth the risk?

    I am sorry about your ducks. I just love ducks. I had ducks that free ranged and Mr. Fox nearly cleaned me out. I have just two drakes. I really would love to get two ducks for them, as the poor things are stuck in the chicken house all day with the hens and rooster. I know it is no fun for...
  8. horselover

    New Flock Additions!!!! PICS!!!!!

    Oh, they are precious. I would love some biddies to raise one more time. They just touch your heart.
  9. horselover

    Wanted some time this year--started Black Sex Link Pullets--only a few

    Do you know of some hatchery that sells started Black Sex Link Pullets?. I do not want the red sex link. Just the black. They are my favorites. I only want a few--say 10-15. I know McMurrays' sell the red sex link, but I called and they do not offer the black at all. Any info would be...
  10. horselover

    help with humidy levels

    I think she is getting ready to set. So, put an egg (or something) under her to see if she wants to stay on it. Then you can put fertile eggs under her to hatch--if you like her setting there. If not, she will probably not like another spot you pick out. But,maybe the rest of the guys on...
  11. horselover

    hen eating eggs

    I have hens that eat the eggs in the nest, too. Did any of you try these suggestions?. Let me know if so. I hate not getting any eggs and the hens are eating them. My hens are kept housed and never turned out. I don't like that, but the foxes are too plentiful around here and I cannot make...
  12. horselover

    Still Life With Chickens

    Has anyone read this book? I got a copy and read it right a way. It is so interesting.
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