Recent content by jmdes

  1. jmdes

    Have you ever had a nice rooster?

    We have a nice white Rooster, a barn mix-mutt. His comb falls over his right eye, so we named him Elvis. I respect him, and never push him around or handle him. I make sure any visitors (especially children), never chase or challenge him. In return, he is a perfect gentleman to humans. He...
  2. jmdes


    Big Congratulations to you Latestarter !!!
  3. jmdes


    Thank you 21hens, the others are doing well, at 19 days, so I feel we've made the safety milestone somewhat. Here is a photo: And one of my older hens posed for a nice photo. This is Olivia, she is a Buff Orpington. Aint she cute?
  4. jmdes

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    Hi again everyone, this thread is so fun to read! My 15 chicks are still going strong under MHP in the big-hen coop (and we had a COLD SNOWY night last night here in CO) ! BRRR. They are now 19 days old. They are so BIG already ! And like others have said, their wing and tail feathers...
  5. jmdes


    CO chicken fans, I am cheering for you all with eggs to hatch, or new chickies! My 16 babies are now down to 15. The little runt died, so sad. The others are all eating and drinking and running around looking pretty happy and healthy. I put a small branch in their space today for...
  6. jmdes

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    I am cheering you on, CO Chix - Wishing the very best with your hatch !!! My 16 chicks are doing well on day #8. Woo hoo. !! I love this MHP method !! Jan
  7. jmdes


    It is now day #8 for my little chicks and they are all SURVIVING under the MHP ! Last night was pretty cold, in the 20's I think. They seem to be thriving, eating and drinking. On their day#3, I cleaned off 4 pasty butts using running water in the utility sink. It actually worked that...
  8. jmdes


    Hi CoChix, Love the green drinks, I try to have one every morning. I throw a big handful of mixed salad greens in there, with fresh ginger, and other various veggies or sprouts, and then a slug of OJ. If I need a boost, I throw in some brewers yeast. I think it really makes a difference. I...
  9. jmdes


    thanks to all for the great ideas, I will use them ! The 16 chicks are looking good this morning, I hope they continue to do well. Here is a photo, they are 2.5 days old, and out under a Momma Heating Pad brooder in the Big Hen Coop. It was 48degrees in the coop when I took this photo...
  10. jmdes

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    Hello All, The chicks survived their first night out under MHP in the big coop. it got down to 30degrees last nite. The chicks are only 2.5 days old. Here is a photo of them running around, flapping their wings and eating and drinking this morning. It is 48 degrees in the coop when I...
  11. jmdes


    I moved the 16 survivors to the MHP in the outdoor coop today, and they seem very happy to be there! they are making happy chirps and eating and drinking. About the pasty butt.... the 2 I worked with, it was INSIDE and protruding to the outside, and very HARD. I am afraid to pull too hard...
  12. jmdes

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    UPDATE - I lost 3 of the 19 hatched chicks from Monday, and today (Wednesday) I put the 16 remaining outside into the MHP in the Big Girls coop. They INSTANTLY loved it and went scooting underneath! They made sweet little happy chirpy sounds. Oh how relieved and happy I am now. They are...
  13. jmdes


    Colorado Friends, HELP ! My new chicks were badly stressed their first night with too much humidity/wetness in the incubator. I moved them to a warm brood box w/heat lamp. Now I'm seeing pasty butt and 2 have died. A good friend shared her Corid/Amprolium with me, and I have medicated...
  14. jmdes

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    It was a total rookie mistake, the humidity in the 'bator got too high. I feel AWWWWWFUL !!!! I last checked them before bed, about 10:30pm, and they looked fine, most of them were fluffy except the 5 newly hatched. Hum was 75%. I peeked at them at 2am, but confess, I was sleep-groggy, and...
  15. jmdes

    Mama Heating Pad in the Brooder (Picture Heavy) - UPDATE

    Thank you perchie girl, I sent you a PM just now. Pls call me at your convenience. Jan
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