Recent content by KirBear

  1. KirBear

    Hand-feeding my chickens yogurt...

    Yesterday I was trying to think of a new treat my pullets would like, and I've heard plain yogurt is pretty good for them and that most chickens like it as well! So, I brought out a bowl for them and tried to get them to eat it. Nothing. I dip my hand in a bit, offer it to them again, and they...
  2. KirBear

    Meet the flock!

    On March 17, our family bought a new flock of chickens from our local agriculture store! They've been a breeze to take care of, four Australorps and two Gold Sex Links. So, here's Venice and Naruto, the bossy Gold Sex Links, and Poe, Sam, Penguin and Sasuke, the adorable little Australorps.
  3. KirBear

    Free Ranging and Unexpected Predators

    I understand all these predators are dangerous, and I expressed my worry about foxes and raccoons. I'm not worried about hawks because of the very low trees and the fact that they have their coop. Hawks have only been a problem for me in very open spaces where my chickens ranged. It's definitely...
  4. KirBear

    Free Ranging and Unexpected Predators

    Luckily we don't have many foxes where I live, and I've never seen or heard a coyote here either. I also thought it might be one of these but then I did some research and I think it must be the dogs. With the fence now put in no dogs or coyotes will be getting in unnoticed, and the trees...
  5. KirBear

    Free Ranging and Unexpected Predators

    In March of last year, we bought chickens for the first time. It was a new experience for everyone, but as the resident animal lover I was in charge. In total there were eight chickens, 5 Rhode Island reds and 2 silkies. They were relatively easy to take care of, the silkies were a bit sick when...
  6. KirBear

    Bantam Silkie Hen

    Just a photo I took of my little silkie hen, Puffin!
  7. KirBear

    Hen has large portion of skin missing/injured...

    After about three months, her wound has finally healed over all the way! Since we have removed the rooster from the flock no hens have been injured. Thank you so much to everyone who gave advice!
  8. KirBear

    Hen has large portion of skin missing/injured...

    We have been using wet to dry wraps, and now we're going to try blue kote. Wrapping her is difficult, and because the wound is large and we have to wrap around her whole body, it's getting expensive. She also only allows me to wrap her, my mom has tried but she freaks out every time. I'll post...
  9. KirBear

    Hen has large portion of skin missing/injured...

    After two days of treatment, the injury looks like this. I think it might be a bit larger? But I've been wrapping it, so I'm not sure. It is bleeding less, but it's a little white around one edge. Anything I should be concerned about?
  10. KirBear

    Hen has large portion of skin missing/injured...

    I have now disinfected and wrapped the wound, and am checking it every day. I separated the roosters from her for extra measure. Thank you all so much for the advice!
  11. KirBear

    Hen has large portion of skin missing/injured...

    We are currently putting him up for adoption, and I think we are going to keep the hens in the run and let the roosters wander. I'll give them a food and water source, of course. If I bandage the wound on Blue, would the other hens still peck at it? And if so, would it be a problem?
  12. KirBear

    Hen has large portion of skin missing/injured...

    Whats the best way to separate a chicken from the flock? I feel a bit guilty doing it, but I know it's for her own good. Is there like a kind of container that would help a bit? I don't want to completely separate her from the flock, I feel like that's a bit mean because she's not sick or...
  13. KirBear

    Hen has large portion of skin missing/injured...

    Oh, you're completely fine, I was just curious. As I said, we are getting rid of our large red rooster and keeping our bantam silkie rooster. We are hoping he won't do as much damage.
  14. KirBear

    Hen has large portion of skin missing/injured...

    How do you use a wrap on a hen? Do you wrap it around the body? I also don't currently have Saline, if I were to get some tomorrow would it be okay? I washed it well and put on Neosporin.
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