Recent content by MEMama3

  1. MEMama3


    It is my mission to get the run completed tomorrow so I can get the ducklings and quail out of the house. Neither will use the run (it's for the adult ducks and chickens), but the ducklings would be in the way and I think the noise would freak out the quail. On a separate note, last night was...
  2. MEMama3


    I'm a little late to the insulation party, but I insulated and love it. I am a ventilation advocate and have double front doors on my coop (one for a cone fully screened). Unless the temps go below freezing, the screen door is open year round. Even with th door open, the insulation makes a...
  3. MEMama3


    My hatch is almost done. The first three appeared Saturday morning, 12 more this morning, and at the rate they're going, the last three will arrive by tomorrow morning. I'm not sure why they are spaced out. Usually I have everyone out within 24 hours. On a separate note, I'm still looking for a...
  4. MEMama3

    SWEDISH Duck Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Mine have always maintained their foot and leg color. It may change a bit, but dark seems to stay dark and light seems to stay light.
  5. MEMama3


    I've actually got a bunch of Blue Swedish in the bator now, but I was hoping to sell them to buy laying ducks. It's funny, last year I had a hard time selling duck eggs, this year people are breaking down the door to get them. I have a huge wait list and only 2 females to try and fill orders...
  6. MEMama3


    Hey everyone! I've been MIA for so long and feel terrible about returning only to plea. I finally have finances in place to get some ducks and do you think I can find any locally? Nope. I'm not even that picky in regards to breed. Just 2 or 3 established ladies (6 months to 2 years old) that...
  7. MEMama3

    Garden beds raised up off of the ground?

    Thanks for the shout out @clucknbell! That's one of my more popular posts. I was thrilled to see it made its way to BYC :)
  8. MEMama3

    New Hampshire!

    I don't have any now, but I'm setting next week, so they'll be here in about a month. I'm located in fryeburg, ME.
  9. MEMama3


    All of the TSC stores should have them in.
  10. MEMama3


    I actually prefer to have mine touch. Since doing this regularly, my hatches have synced up better. It use to take a couple days for all the eggs to hatch. With them touching, they all tend to be out in about 18 hours.
  11. MEMama3


    I'm going to time the next hatch so they new chicks hatch out when the current ones are moving off heat. I'm thinking I'll set in a week or two. I'll let you all know. I'm also going to have some swedish blues hatching at the same time if anyone is interested.
  12. MEMama3


    Seriously? Off by a day! I live right on the Fryeburg/Conway line and as of last night I had smooth and frizzled SLW chicks (as well as an adorable mix of "mutts"). If you're coming through again in a month I can help you out. I thought I'd share pictures of the chicks I'm hanging onto. I...
  13. MEMama3

    Setting eggs on 3/7. Anyone else?

    that seems like a wise choice. Make sure he can get away from them and still have contact. They bigger ones will slow down their growth and it will give him a chance to catch up. Then they can all be together. Sorry to hear about the one who didn't make it.
  14. MEMama3

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    Yeah, I like the second one.
  15. MEMama3


    I love wyandottes. I was hoping to get one in this hatch. I did, it's laced and frizzled and... it's a boy :-( Of course out of only three boys out of thirteen the one I had my heart set on would be one.
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