Recent content by ole red

  1. ole red

    Can hens crow?!?

    i've seen a few hens crow, the old folks i knew when i was growing up, always got rid of a crowing hen, said, "it was bad luck" to have one around. all of em i ever saw were older hens though.
  2. ole red

    Best dual purpose breed for sustainability

    the point about people really useing thier chickens, and haveing the light breeds is a good one, years ago most of the people in my part of the world that really raised chickens, and depended on em, always mixed some game in em. i'd give anything if there were still some of those chickens...
  3. ole red

    M I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter...ahh, nevermind....Mississippi

    do any of yall MS. folks know if " first monday trades day " at Ripley, MS. is this comeing weekend? and are there still plenty of chickens there?
  4. ole red

    Mutt lovers thread!

    no pics. right now, but may take some here before to long and post em.
  5. ole red

    Mutt lovers thread!

    i guess my chickens are mutts, but i do have a direction i'm headed w/them. started w/several game hens,rhode island red, newhampshire, buff rock, and crossing these w/ buff rock,and new hampshire roosters. may add alittle something different along the line, main thing is i want all yellow...
  6. ole red

    How long have you raised poultry?

    had and raised chickens for a little better than 40 years.
  7. ole red

    Dual-Purpose Flock Owners UNITE!

    as soon as i get my photobucket stuff lined out, i'm going to post some pics. of my chickens that do the dual purpose deal around here.
  8. ole red

    Barred Rocks Good Shepard Poulty Ranch

    the good shepard ranch, has some real nice chickens, but looking at the website it would appear they only sell dead birds, am i wrong?
  9. ole red

    Plymouth Rock thread!

    guess now when my letter reaches you, you'll have 181 members, if it's not to much problem, would like to have a copy of the last couple of newsletters, if there is some laying around handy. thanks
  10. ole red

    Plymouth Rock thread!

    Rock N' Faverolles : Quote: No... and yes. What I mean is that there is not an annual yearbook put out by the club, but if you are a member during the years that they do publish a yearbook, than you'll get one at no extra cost. I hope that makes sense. The last one was put on in 2003 I...
  11. ole red

    Plymouth Rock thread!

    does the "plymouth rock fanciers of america" membership come w/a yearbook, i saw where there was a list of contacts and was wondering if this was in the form of a yearbook?
  12. ole red

    Plymouth Rock thread!

    as a general whole, do yall feel the quality of the hatchery white rock has been demenished as much as the hatchery barred rock, as far as being a meat/primary, and egg /secondary chicken?
  13. ole red

    Breeding Buff Leghorns

    got a question for some of you buff leghorn owners. are they as flighty as the brown leghorns, or are they alittle more peaceful? reason i ask, ive got some about 2 months old, and they seem real layed back.
  14. ole red

    Show Off Your Games!

    thanks DTchickens, i used to go to first monday at ripley , it's been about 25 years since i have been there, need to go back soon.
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