Recent content by TinyUrbanFlock

  1. TinyUrbanFlock


    I lost two girls last night to a raccoon. I’m absolutely devastated. It was 100% my fault, I accidentally left their door open after putting them away. I put so much time and energy into making sure my girls have everything, are happy and safe, but I failed them this time. I’m the reason...
  2. TinyUrbanFlock

    Undigested food in poop

    Any update on your Buff Orp? I have the exact same problem with my Buff Orp right now too, the poop looks the same as in your picture only mine has diarrhea :(. I've dewormed, but saw no improvement. I'm open to any suggestions!
  3. TinyUrbanFlock

    Crackling in lungs

    I have a hen who has slightly labored breathing and crackling lungs. I noticed a few months ago that she was breathing heavy and coughing a lot when she ate. She never had any discharge from eyes or nose, no swelling of the face, no lethargy, no loss of appetite. Very healthy and happy...
  4. TinyUrbanFlock

    Marek's recovery or something else?

    Well no of course she isn't doing WELL, and I am trying to get her to put weight back on, but she doesn't seem to be in any pain and doesn't act depressed. So what I guess I meant to say is that she's doing better each day. Her eyes are clear, no discharge from anywhere and no excessive...
  5. TinyUrbanFlock

    Marek's recovery or something else?

    I know everything says that Marek's is lethal, but I've read some stuff that say they can beat it. I have an Easter Egger who had every single symptom of Mareks back in August. Splayed legs, gasping for air, limp wings, swollen crop, green poop. You name it, she had it. I did the whole St...
  6. TinyUrbanFlock

    Weak,unsteady, and trouble breathing.

    Hello all, I need some help. (Sorry this is long but it’s as much info as I can give) I have a 21 week old Easter Egger who has become lame. I noticed her trying to hide a little bit more than usual one day this week, but assumed she just was avoiding the big girls who will often chase her...
  7. TinyUrbanFlock

    Quarantining new chicken

    Haha yes the dust is a pain, I vacuum in there daily. She will eventually only be living with one other bird. My flock is split because the big gals were picking on the bantam....which is why I bought her a friend (and because chicken math).
  8. TinyUrbanFlock

    Quarantining new chicken

    I its just a gamble we take when adding to the flock. What should I be watching the new girl for specially? She's been vaccinated against Mareks, as have my other chickens.
  9. TinyUrbanFlock

    Quarantining new chicken

    Hello all, I just picked up a 12 week old chick from a local(ish) farm to add to my current flock of 4, one year old chickens. I currently have her in a spare bedroom inside my house. I have separate shoes for her room, I clean her cage and feed her last, as well as try not to handle her or...
  10. TinyUrbanFlock

    One lonely/outcast chicken out of 8... should I get 1 more?

    I've read your article and have a similar set up currently at home with my 4 chickens. Two bullies against one little bantam. I keep the bullies (black Australorps) inside the house at night so the bantam can roost with the head hen (Orpington) in the coop. Then in the mornings i put the two...
  11. TinyUrbanFlock

    Bullied chicken

    I am having this same problem. 1 Buff Oprington (top hen), 2 Black Australorps and 1 cochin bantam. They were all raised together since day old chicks and got along fine until about 3 months ago they started picking the bantam bald on her head. It got to the point that she started to scab up...
  12. TinyUrbanFlock

    At what age do Black Australorps begin to lay their first eggs???

    Later that day after posting (complaining) on here, I went home to find that Fat, the larger Australorp had laid her first egg. Then a few days later the other Australorp started and about two weeks after that the bantam started in on the fun. Now we're just waiting on the big ol' orpington to...
  13. TinyUrbanFlock

    At what age do Black Australorps begin to lay their first eggs???

    Lol, sorry for bringing back up an old thread. Good news though, "Fat" (thats the big BA's name) started squatting for me the day after I posted and then just yesterday she was checking out the nesting box!!! All four girls were very chatty and restless when they came out this morning (6 am )...
  14. TinyUrbanFlock

    At what age do Black Australorps begin to lay their first eggs???

    I have two BA's that are 22.5 weeks old now (plus a Buff Orp. and a Mottled Cochin Bantam). The larger BA has had a nice bright red comb and waddles for a few weeks, but alas no eggs. This is my first time owning chickens so of course the suspense is killing me. She seems to be talking a lot...
  15. TinyUrbanFlock

    Pullet Hurt Wing

    Yes she can definitely move it full range. I think you’re probably right that she just needs time. I’m a bit of a worry wart when it comes to these things. Thank you for the help!
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