Recent content by Tooshay89

  1. Tooshay89

    The Quack Shack

    We’re going to run into the same issue, and our well is several hundred feet from our mobile home. (The well was drilled before we bought the property but was placed where the original owners were going to build a house. We put a mobile home on the other side of the property so we can still...
  2. Tooshay89

    The Quack Shack

    Hi all! Sorry I haven’t checked in for a few days. We’ve been busy with outside work (why we chose to do this in the middle of the hot Florida summer temp, I’m not sure!) and trying to prep our yard for our whole home generator/underground propane tank that’s coming this week. I’m so excited, we...
  3. Tooshay89

    The Quack Shack

    Not yet, I’m just using water as the liquid at this point but when my goats are in milk, that’s what some of the soaps will be made with 😍 I can’t wait!
  4. Tooshay89

    The Quack Shack

    Hi everyone! Sorry I've been popping in and out trying to catch up. I've been making lots of cold process soap the last few weeks to try and sell on etsy. Our business is still down and I'm incredibly bored... and don't need more poultry! Or do I? My ducks officially don't look like ducklings...
  5. Tooshay89

    The Quack Shack

    @Muscovy Wunda Try growing Okra! The flowers are beautiful, like a hibiscus. I have some growing now and I just love seeing the flowers before the okra forms.
  6. Tooshay89

    The Quack Shack

    That is the coolest duck! Can he send me the name of his hair stylist?
  7. Tooshay89

    The Quack Shack

    Well if you insist. 😎 The last time I posted pictures he looked like this. In a few short weeks, he's become a towering giant. This was a few weeks ago, he was hanging out in the chicken enclosure. Patrolling the garden a week or two ago... And this week he's been enjoying some...
  8. Tooshay89

    The Quack Shack

    That is so neat! Is the water shallow enough for you to wade through? What kind of wild ducks call this place home?
  9. Tooshay89

    The Quack Shack

    Yes, we had a 6th goat. :hit Poor Zelda was killed by a bobcat. I can't wait until Apollo dog is old enough to spend his days guarding everyone outside. He's so good with all of the chickens and ducks, it's unreal. I know some say that it takes a while for most livestock dogs to be poultry...
  10. Tooshay89

    The Quack Shack

    They're spoiled brats, that's why! lol. Once they get used to free ranging all day every day, there's no going back. They have plenty of nice space and deep shade, but if I leave them in their run, you'd think I was killing them. 😒 I try to explain the reasoning, but it goes in one ear and out...
  11. Tooshay89

    The Quack Shack

    Yeah, we have a lot more chickens than ducks, so their enclosed run is 50 ft x 50 ft. They typically free range outside of the run unless we're having hawk issues, then they just stay in their run all day. They don't like it, but it's for their own good. 😂
  12. Tooshay89

    The Quack Shack

    Good morning everyone! We finished (for the most part) our duck run this morning. We still have to go through and tweak the netting on top to secure it in all areas and cut off the excess, but we'll work on that in the evenings when it's not so darn hot and humid. Take that, hawks! Their...
  13. Tooshay89

    The Quack Shack

    I think I may have made the same mistake. I did the second questionnaire thing on my first go through, and I saw that show up, but I didn't think to do it the next 4 times.
  14. Tooshay89

    The Quack Shack

    Hey everyone! It’s a hot one down here in Florida. The humidity is crazy but we’re so close to finishing our duck run!
  15. Tooshay89

    The Quack Shack

    Me too. My husband suggested I call for a welfare check. I don't know if that's taking it too far or not, but I really am worried.
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