Here's some wild baby ducks to distract you from the incubator for 5 minutes. So many babies out.
Hi everyone!

Sorry I've been popping in and out trying to catch up. I've been making lots of cold process soap the last few weeks to try and sell on etsy. Our business is still down and I'm incredibly bored... and don't need more poultry! Or do I?

My ducks officially don't look like ducklings anymore. How is it that chicks take what seems like forever to mature and feather out, but you blink and ducks are grown up? I'm still guessing on genders... I'm pretty sure the blue runner is a boy, he has a quieter raspy quack, but honestly I'm not really sure. Alberta Einstein (the crested duck) is definitely female, she is LOUD. She started out as an Albert, but we've recently changed it to Alberta for obvious reasons. When do drake feathers typically come in?

A week and a half ago I bought half a dozen mixed turkey eggs from a local farm to set under one of my broody hens. Unfortunately none of them developed. Boo! No turkeys.
Hopefully Chris pops back in soon. Good evening everyone
:frow Good morning Wunda, have a great day
My external pips arent out yet. Three piped, 9 to go.
Keep the faith and you'll get there.
Hi everyone!

Sorry I've been popping in and out trying to catch up. I've been making lots of cold process soap the last few weeks to try and sell on etsy. Our business is still down and I'm incredibly bored... and don't need more poultry! Or do I?

My ducks officially don't look like ducklings anymore. How is it that chicks take what seems like forever to mature and feather out, but you blink and ducks are grown up? I'm still guessing on genders... I'm pretty sure the blue runner is a boy, he has a quieter raspy quack, but honestly I'm not really sure. Alberta Einstein (the crested duck) is definitely female, she is LOUD. She started out as an Albert, but we've recently changed it to Alberta for obvious reasons. When do drake feathers typically come in?

A week and a half ago I bought half a dozen mixed turkey eggs from a local farm to set under one of my broody hens. Unfortunately none of them developed. Boo! No turkeys.
:frow Good afternoon Tooshay, have a great day. The kids grow ever so fast.

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