I just came across these coyote rollers... attach to the top of a fence and they cant get a grip to get over it. I have a hard time posting pics so google it...
my alternative to bullets is arrows. :-) very seriously not kidding at all. but your not going to be sitting there waiting at every moment. I have many layers of protection. 4' fence surrounding my property, many coops all completly secure from everything except maybe minks. you think a fox is...
everyone who has poultry has made mistakes... your not alone. as long as we learn its all good... dont worry to much about it... you know now.
take care
what kind of quail are they? 17-18 for coturnix, bobwhites and a few others are 21 some are 22... they all have different periods of incubation. that chick wont make it... sorry. I would just end its life as quick as possible... now stay out of the incubator until they hatch and are dry... good...
heres another link for more regulations... more in regards of protection of property and livestock but good info nonetheless... the more we know the more options we have.
here in Ontario we are only allowed to move a problem animal 1km from the capture site... there is no point in relocating a problem animal...
good article.... thanks for sharing. I used to be a reptile breeder back before I got into birds and I shared those concerns back then for reptiles as the article says for chickens.... I just couldn't picture sand being good for birds.
you are correct thay it is very hard to candle cot eggs.... I just candle and inspect each egg before putting them in the hatcher on day 14. a dark egg is the chick... a clear egg is nothing. if i have any doubts I set them to hatch... iv never had an egg explode in an incubator thankfully. but...
take out the ones that smell awful and be careful.... they could explode.... now is your humidity up to 60+%? if so close the lid and leave them alone... the last 3 days of "lock down" you want your humidiy up so when the chicks start hatching they dont dry out, get shrink wrapped and die... I...
anything smelly in the incubator is not a good sign... did you candle them? I smell each egg while candeling... sure an incubator is going to have a certain odour but it shouldnt stink... its to late to do anything about it now. its probably an egg that stopped developing.... hopefully just one...
I sure hope things are working out for you now. I have about 100 James Marie Farms Jumbos and Texas A & Ms (recently legally imported into Canada to Perry Schofield, WOOHOO!) and half a dozen California Valley Quail myself. Iv had quail for about 3 years now... everyone always makes mistakes in...
please read the above posts... I said exactly how I heat my quail chicks and why above...
its not what wattage of bulb should I use but what wattage of bulb provides the right amount of heat... 100F to get them started and going. everyones setup/brooder size and how its built is all different...