Is this a cream legbar or was I dooped?

Well, the OP picked the chick, so someone else might see him & feel the same way. I didn't want a rooster either, I ordered all pullets, but the hatcheries can make mistakes. If I had received a rooster, he'd have been down the highway. Circle of life. My neighbors don't want to hear roosters, & I have 3 year old twin grandsons. I don't want a rooster around them. All the OP wanted to know was her chick a rooster? She didn't need to be made to feel guilty or bad for not wanting a rooster. Now she doesn't feel free to come on BYC & ask questions
Where did the posts go?

I think that he should be let to live if he is acting like he still wants to live. With the expression on his face in these pictures, I would say he seems like he is doing all right.
OP cannot keep a cockerel; not many people can, as they live in cities with ordinances against roosters. She shouldn't be blamed for not wanting to keep it, or "throwing it away," because its a decision she has to make. As long as the rooster goes to a good home, its completely acceptable. Its a shame that roosters are unwanted, but I guess thats how life works.

Anyways, people apologized and all is forgiven (I hope) so I think we can all move on.
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I think some of you are getting way off topic. This was a thread meant to find out if the chick was a certain breed, which was accomplished. There is absolutely no reason for any of you to make her feel bad for rehoming this chick.

Some of you are being a bit ridiculous in the assumptions you are making about this chicks future. Never did the OP say he was going to be killed and rehoming him doesn't mean a death sentence. And even if he was going to be culled its not your business, he is a chicken, and not yours.

I don't mean to sound fresh, I don't often post comments that don't relate to the threads purpose, but I feel the OP is being a little bit ganged up on unnecessarily.

People keep it friendly and @Wyleiria don't let these very few people here ruin your experience here on BYC, it really is a wonderful place with fantastic, friendly and such helpful people. Im sorry these few people gave you such a negative experience.

Im sure this thread will be locked if this keeps up so this will be my last post on this thread.

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