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  1. Craftymama

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    4 eggs in 5 days....i officially have a productive hen! Now to get the other 7 to join in.
  2. Craftymama

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    We got our first egg yesterday! My 5 year old was SO excited to find it. I'm almost positive my black star named Star laid it (I checked everyone's vent).
  3. Craftymama

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    I love your table topper! Did you make it?
  4. Craftymama

    Gardening with poultry thread!!!

    Mine love my dill, sage and basil.
  5. Craftymama

    Gardening with poultry thread!!!

    How is everyone's gardens coming? I just got my first zucchini a few days ago. Some kind of volunteer squash that showed up in one of my beds. The hollyhocks I started from seed. I'm hoping they reseed on their own.
  6. Craftymama

    Easter Egger club!

    Chicken poo is just a fact of life I'm learning.
  7. Craftymama

    Lest see your best stink eye!!!!

    Got a few stink eyes today when I opened up the run to add greens. Bunny the Easter egger checking to see what I was doing. She does this every time I open the run. Bunny again (see a pattern?) she is a diva. And Janet, I think she was worried I might take her kale.
  8. Craftymama

    Easter Egger club!

    Gotta brag on my birds a bit. I agree with the broccoli weirdness. Mine used to love it now they eat all the florets and leave the stems. All my birds LOVE the weeds I pull from my flower beds and any greens like kale and chard. My Easter egger is named Bunny and her favorite thing to do is peek...
  9. Craftymama

    Give me pictures of your chickens and I'll try to sex them

    She hasn't gotten any redder so I'm back to thinking pullet. Thanks for the guesses.
  10. Craftymama

    Give me pictures of your chickens and I'll try to sex them

    I am worried my gold lace Wyandot isn't a 'Goldie' but a 'Gordon'. Any guesses on the sex. She is about 14 or 15 weeks old. She doesn't act mean but she also doesn't care for people much either.
  11. Craftymama

    Gardening with poultry thread!!!

    I was really surprised they ate my chives too. They were planted right next it my basil so the chives could have just been dug up while they were eating the basil.
  12. Craftymama

    Gardening with poultry thread!!!

    I let my ladies out yesterday to free range and they destroyed my herb garden... dug up and ate all my basil and chives, broke all my dill off at the ground and ate all my asparagus starts. So now I'm keeping them in their pen until I can figure out some fencing or something. I keep telling...
  13. Craftymama

    Barred Rocks!!

    Bunny (our barred rock chicken) is 12 or 13 weeks old. I can't remember what weekend I got her.
  14. Craftymama

    Barred Rocks!!

    Here she is.
  15. Craftymama

    Gardening with poultry thread!!!

    Found my first 'free range' casualty today. The birds are all the flowers off my patio pots! I was wondering what I can do to keep the birds off the patio. Not because of the plants but because if the poop. Scrubbing the patio every day isn't my idea of fun. Here's a shot of the ladies In one...
  16. Craftymama

    Gardening with poultry thread!!!

    I am in the suburbs so we have a 6 foot privacy fence. Then around the bottom perimeter of the fence we have chicken wire. I have no trees in my yard but since this is an older neighborhood most of my neighbors have large mature trees.
  17. Craftymama

    Composting and Chicken Runs

    Great thread...I have been thinking about how I'm going to redo my compost when we rebuild our fence and this thread is just the ticket to get me started. I want my chickens to enjoy the compost and do some of the 'dirty work' for me.
  18. Craftymama

    Gardening with poultry thread!!!

    I'm excited to see this thread! I am an avid gardener and this is my first year having chickens. My goal is to have a large enough garden so we can all share. A 'plenty to go around' attitude. So far the birds have done great. No major damage to anything. Honestly they love my dill and my...
  19. Craftymama

    Barred Rocks!!

    I have a 9 or 10 week old Barred Rock that has no tail. All my other birds (different breeds) have tails. Is this normal? I'm pretty sure she is a pullet. No pointy feathers, hardly any red on her face even her pathetic tail feathers are broad and round. Any thoughts?
  20. Craftymama


    sweet peep is my favorite.
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