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  1. wingedshade

    Yellow crust on neck?

    I'm trying to remember if I put anything on it or not. My brother suggested that my hen was trying to escape a roo or bigger hen and tried to squeeze through a cinder block. So since there was no other obvious cause I think I decided to let it ride. Buffy is fine now and I didn't see this on any...
  2. wingedshade

    Chicken Breed Focus - Leghorn

    I wanted to get some of the brown rosecomb variety. I live in a cold climate so I was thinking that would help prevent frostbite, however I'm not sure if their small body size would keep them warm. I got a game roo as my hatchery freebie, he seems kinda chilled most of the time on cold days. He...
  3. wingedshade

    What is your favorite dust bath mixture?

    I need to setup something for my birds in the coop since their yard is frozen solid. \ The indoor birds are a different matter. I have a recovering chicken and quail in cages. At first I bought large dog bowls for the quail, but they flung sand and stuff everywhere! So I bought chinchilla...
  4. wingedshade

    At what age should you buy a cockerel?

    ...or close. A much younger roo might get 'schooled' by the hens and not end up as top dog. I don't know how that will affect breeding. I have a non dominant roo, the pullets don't take crap from him. Although I think if he tried any mature stuff the bigger roos and the larger hens would kick...
  5. wingedshade

    Chicken Breed Focus - Modern Game Bantam

    I think mine is a standard size. He is pretty low on the pecking order, so he's shy and would rather run than fight. I used to be able to pick him up, but I don't think I spent enough time with him so in the fall he was hard to catch. I saw one of my EE pullets(the same age) pestering him while...
  6. wingedshade

    Eye swollen shut on quail chick.

    Update: I gave them quick chick in their water for about a week. I bought antibiotics, but I decided to wait and see. The chick is doing ok! The swelling went down. It doesn't like opening that eye and when it does its only part way. The area looks kinda sunken too. There is no discharge of any...
  7. wingedshade

    Eye swollen shut on quail chick.

    Not that I could see. It doesn't seem to be wheezing or sneezing either.
  8. wingedshade

    Eye swollen shut on quail chick.

    Should I post this over on the quail forum as well?
  9. wingedshade

    Eye swollen shut on quail chick.

    I just got these little guys a few days ago. They are A&Ms not sure their exact age, but pretty young. One of them has a puffy shut eye. It's drinking normally, but it looks unhappy. It seems to prefer sitting by it's self in the sand dish. They have a tray of parakeet grit they have been dust...
  10. wingedshade

    How to keep quail indoors

    I went and got them! For now I whipped up a cage setup made from a cheap metal shelf and hardware cloth. It took me abit under 3 hours to complete. They seem to be settling in OK. I would post a picture, but my tablet isn't cooperating tonight!
  11. wingedshade

    Can my Quail live with my Chicken?

    That is why I plan to keep my quails inside when I get them. I'm going to get them their own feeders and such instead of reusing chick feeders etc. and try to wash my hands after chicken care.
  12. wingedshade

    How to keep quail indoors

    Well this thread woke up at a good for me! Somebody on Facebook is selling A&M quail chicks. I'm considering getting a few. My coop is full but I was thinking of having like 3 indoors. In the past when I was a teen I got to keep an injured (chicken)hen indoors for the winter. I remember she...
  13. wingedshade

    Newbie question - duck droppings

    So, after reading this I guess my ducks are fine!
  14. wingedshade

    respiratory illness

    I need some help too. Some of my girls are chilling in the coop kind of fluffed up and sad looking. However when I go to pick them up or offer them treats they go back to normal for a bit then hunker down again. It's starting to get cold out but most of the flock don't seem to be doing this...
  15. wingedshade

    Comment by 'wingedshade' in article 'Chartwell Run'

    What a beautiful coop and lovely chickens! I love the names too!
  16. wingedshade

    Comment by 'wingedshade' in article 'Central Quack - Duck Run'

    I like it! How long does it take them to dirty the water, and how do you clean it? I presume it's raised off the ground to drain it.
  17. wingedshade

    Chicken Breed Focus - Marans

    I have 2 BCM crossed with cream legbar. The girls retained their feathered legs and one of them has a pouffy crest and the other looks like an orange eyed, feather legged Australorp! They are near the top of the food chain, but as they have gotten used to the younger pullets they've chilled out...
  18. wingedshade

    Mushroom foragers

    Posting to follow.
  19. wingedshade

    Rooster's comb is bleeding

    Is he younger than the girls? If so, you should probably keep him separate but still in view of the girls until he is bigger.
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