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  1. ohiogoatgirl

    xRaised bed wintering coop & run

    Hello all. I mostly lurk here but I would like some input on my little chicken adventure. I have a raised bed that I am going to be turning into a run with a small coop on the end. It is 3.5ft by 20ft. Here is a pic in late May...
  2. ohiogoatgirl

    free pigeons ad! this barn for loft? *video*

    there is a local-ish ad for roller pigeons. free, about a dozen, just come pick em up. this seems like a pretty good opportunity to start for a newbie like me. how would you rate rollers for squabbing? I did a video just this morning and its mostly the section of barn I was looking at turning...
  3. ohiogoatgirl

    thoughts on this loft idea? feed question too!

    here is the video that I like the look of his loft, skip to about 3:45 of the video is where the pigeon stuff starts I have never done pigeons before but I was thinking like this might be pretty good way to go. I have done coturnix quail before and liked them. I had them in a hutch and I like...
  4. ohiogoatgirl

    Help me decide a smaller breed for my pen space?

    Sorry if this should go in another forum section. Thought here would be better as I want to pick a breed to better fit the space I will have. I am setting up again. I have had lots of animals before but after moving and things I am settling in and will soon be setting up to start again. The...
  5. ohiogoatgirl

    pigeon & quail together?

    I am tossin around the idea of raising two pair of pigeons and on the floor of the pen run a handful of coturnix quail. Is there any disease issues with these guys? Like i know not to keep quail and chickens together. My idea being the cots would help cleanup spilled feed (pigeon feed up high)...
  6. ohiogoatgirl

    is this ok? few questions!

    Hello! I am wondering on starting in a few pigeons. I have lots of animal experience and have been doin a little research so tell me if i am off on anything (: Pigeons pretty much pair up for life. I will need to go by how many pair of birds. Is there any suggested space per pair? I havent come...
  7. ohiogoatgirl

    Creating a very natural cage? deep litter + plants + buttons/cots?

    I am onto my next scheme! Haha. I have started on breeding guppy fish as a future feed source for quail. I had a short trial run with coturnix quail earlier last year but had to sell off /: Good news though is soon enough i will hopefully have my job transferred and be able to try again with...
  8. ohiogoatgirl

    coturnic chick feet

    I had a chick that i helped hatch a bit because it was struggling for ten hours and i was worried about it. I have read about help vs dont help so i know it has higher odds of being weaker or dying. Its a bit slower than the others but seems fine. So my question is.. the chicks feet are still...
  9. ohiogoatgirl

    electric skillet as incubator- experiment- coturnix quail

    ..."warm, simmer"... about halfway between them the skillet kicks on to heat up. i let it heat up about ten minutes and check the temp, only about 80*F. so i slowly dial it up again until it kicks on and repeat the routine... come back and the temp is between 110 and 115*F! eek too high! so i...
  10. ohiogoatgirl

    can coturnix quail get mites from rabbit ear mites?

    i have my rabbits and coturnix quail in hutches. two of my does i am now treating for ear mites. i was wondering if my quail could possibly be affected by them? their hutch isnt very close to the hutch with the two does in it but i just was wondering if i should watch them or not just to be...
  11. ohiogoatgirl

    medicated feed?

    I see people.say not to use medicated feed with coturnix quail. What problems come from using medicated feed? I got this "southern states sporting bird starter" thats 28% protien and was good price compared to the other feeds and better protien.... well after buying it and feeding it several...
  12. ohiogoatgirl

    anyone done still air aquarium bator with coturnix?

    i am considering things of different homemade bators for if/when i might want to try incubating eggs from my coturnix after they are up and going. here is the still air version: here is the version...
  13. ohiogoatgirl

    color genetics and breeding groups question

    I am a newb to quail and just picked up my first bunch this week. I also have meat rabbits and have raised guinea pigs and dairy goats so i am not new to breeding and genetics. My bunch are 5wks and i am waiting for crowing/eggs. Two are tibetan tuxedo (with less white than color), and of the...
  14. ohiogoatgirl

    help with possible first quail pen please (: (coturnix)

    I found someone with coturnix quail for sale not terribly far from me. I have been researching them for years on and off. i never seem to have a good space ready when i find them for sale though ): so my question for all you wonderful quail people with such lovely pens.... i have rabbits that...
  15. ohiogoatgirl

    duck newbie. some questions...

    i'm about to get 6 mallard/khaki mixes. tradin milk for ducks (: so i'm new to ducks. these will be my first. they are all from the same place and free range the yard there. I know I have coons that will attack here so i'll be putting them into a very large hutch with a run onto it. the ducks...
  16. ohiogoatgirl

    duck newbie might be gettin some mallard/pekins

    i might be getting 5 mallard/pekin ducklings. they are still young so i will be keeping them in a converted rabbit hutch for a bit. until they are bigger and i can get a real run together. not sure how tall it should be? i'm about 5'4" and was thinkin just tall enough for me to walk in would...
  17. ohiogoatgirl

    feeding milk?

    was just reading over on old thread and came across a link for protien supplements. one of the things listed is "dried milk products". i have goats that i milk and am gettin more then i can use. would quail drink milk? also i was wondering what about cheese or whey? i make my own cheese from...
  18. ohiogoatgirl

    cute, cool, crazy housing and homemade feeders links

    i'm remodeling a rabbit hutch into a quail coop. and it being hot as blazes outside i am currently inside in the AC and skimmin the net for coops/runs/hutches/cages. thought i would share some really cool or crazy ones. geodesic coop...
  19. ohiogoatgirl

    rabbit hutch remodel into coturnix quail hutch **with pics** thoughts please

    i had bought this hutch originally as a 3 section rabbit hutch. ((( video from when it had rabbits in it ))) here are pics from today front: side: inside: back (just wire on for floor, not enclosed): back (boards on... the middle board isnt nailed on, it needs the hinges and...
  20. ohiogoatgirl

    coturnix quail questions on feeding

    first my thoughts on feed: *minnows: we have some that live in the creeks and lakes around here. would minnows be a good source of protien? *frogs/toads/tadpoles: there are a bit around here but i wouldnt want to deplete the population. though i could always pick up a few that get hit on the...
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