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  1. mlmonro3

    9 week old EE Hen or Roo?

    9 weeks old EE, definitely a roo yeah?
  2. mlmonro3

    Pics included- Dark brahma he or she???

    Awesome! That's what I was hoping for. She is by far my sweetest bird out of the 5 breeds we have :)
  3. mlmonro3

    Pics included- Dark brahma he or she???

    This is my first go at keeping chickens, there is so much information out there. I wasn't sure if the change in coloring happened after 6 weeks or if that was truly a reliable way to tell. It seems like some on here can look at a chicken and guess the gender right away hahaha.
  4. mlmonro3

    Pics included- Dark brahma he or she???

    I've been looking at a lot of these posts and the one thing that seems pretty consistent in most of them is that dark brahmas can be sexed by their coloring. Penciling means hen right??? Is that a for sure way to tell or is that just a guess too?
  5. mlmonro3

    Pics included- Dark brahma he or she???

    I have a 6 week old dark brahma, I'm new to this, but I think I have a hen. Any thoughts or explanations? Thanks!
  6. mlmonro3

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    Thanks for the response, that's what I'm hoping for. :) From what I've read on here, it seems like buff orps can be tough to sex.
  7. mlmonro3

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    Hi there! I have two 6 week old buff orpingtons. I'm wondering if anyone can tell me if one of them is a he or a she :)
  8. mlmonro3

    SLW comb color.

    Definitely a cockerel at 5.5 weeks, he didn't make me wait long! Thanks for your earlier response. Just thought I'd give an update!
  9. mlmonro3

    Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

    Some updated pictures :) They are about 5 weeks 3 days. Lucy- Ethel-
  10. mlmonro3

    4 Week Old Dark Brahma - Pullet or Cockerel?

    Was #2 a cockerel??? I'm assuming it was.
  11. mlmonro3


    Take the deal, sounds like a sure thing, and with the other lady you most likely won't be able to live there rent free for 6 months. That is very generous.
  12. mlmonro3

    The Silver Laced Wyandotte Thread

    Yeah, he's had a red comb since 2.5 weeks lol. I guess 1 out of 8 isn't bad though, I wish I would have picked up more SLW's, he's my only one and fortunately can't stay.
  13. mlmonro3

    The Silver Laced Wyandotte Thread

    My 4.5 week old pullet bin SLW roo???? Lol at least that's what I'm assuming :) he's pretty sweet though.
  14. mlmonro3

    Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

    Looks around 4 weeks, and normal sized to me. It's hard to compare other breeds. Id say pullet.
  15. mlmonro3

    Silver Laced Wyandotte Sexing-7 weeks old

    Reading the thread here is making me believe mines are pullets? They are also about 6-8 weeks old. Not certain on their hatch day. Please let me know as I cannot have Roos where I live. Thanks! [/quote They look like pullets to me.
  16. mlmonro3

    Silver Laced Wyandotte Sexing-7 weeks old

    I think all pullets. My 4 week old SLW has bigger wattles and a redder rose comb. I am no expert, keep us posted.
  17. mlmonro3

    When Do Chicks' Combs Start to Develop?

    Thank you, I've even looking through the buff orp thread and it seems that just normal. :) This is my first year raising chickens so I have so many questions it seems. Thanks for the response.
  18. mlmonro3

    SLW comb color.

    That's what I was thinking too, it seems to always be that pink. It's hard to observe them with out them running around though. I guess only time will tell. Thank you for the response :).
  19. mlmonro3

    Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

    These chicks are getting bigger. What are usually the first signs you look for when it comes to gender for EEs? Chick #1 Chick #2 I know it's much too early to actually determine gender i'm just curious if there are specific things to look for.
  20. mlmonro3

    SLW comb color.

    Here are a couple of photos! This is by far the most skittish bird of the bunch.
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