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  1. Lutz Farms

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Urrr....doesn't look very positive. I'm so sad. Maybe 6 if that out of the 18. They wld take me away for child abuse.
  2. Lutz Farms

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Cindy....not. Had one with Crack and the smell gave it away that it was no baby. Omg...I do not have a light stomach but this gagged me. Going to water test them shortly. Will let u know.
  3. Lutz Farms

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Does anyone know where I can find Speckled Sussex chicks or fertilized eggs? I'm around the Kenosha/Racine area. Thank you.
  4. Lutz Farms

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Today is the day for my eggs.....well, the first batch. 21 days today.
  5. Lutz Farms

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hi All! Lutz.... would you like to borrow an incubator? I have a foam one and I found the turner. Omg... Yes, yes yes. Where r u...headed to church will check back. Ty ty
  6. Lutz Farms

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    ND....that hen got off the eggs mid day so not sure what now. Looks like quiche. Sad day.
  7. Lutz Farms

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I'm only a stones throw from u. West of it off route 11 on Braun and 57th. Too funny.
  8. Lutz Farms

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    So, do I do the throw her into broody stage.....ugh, I hate to do that.
  9. Lutz Farms

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Nope, she off. Ugh.
  10. Lutz Farms

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Yes, but ugh, now she jumped off. Need to go check to see if she was just hungry. How many eggs can one sit on do u think?
  11. Lutz Farms

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Well, chicken is what's for dinner tonight. Read all night on how to make a hen broody since I have been saving up eggs before the massacre and I came out this morning and guess what? My one hens is all fat and sassy and sitting on the eggs. Woo hoo. So excited.
  12. Lutz Farms

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Omg, sorry just saw this....haven't passed them on and yes covered my girl in Blu coat along with my lovely fingers. Lol. She is doing much better. I have the 2 boys locked away but trying to get a clutch of eggs for a broody hen before I Henry the 8th them. But ty ty for ur input. I hate...
  13. Lutz Farms

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I completely agree and a bit with both. I don't compare my children but times have also changed in regards to treatment AND diagnosing. Along with what one physician says another contradicts. It's finding someone you and your child are comfortable with. Not an easy me.
  14. Lutz Farms

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Let my girl out to run with her man for a short time tonight. Was so sad listening to her cry in the kennel all day. She was so tickled to be free range again. Put up the grey slate so she was free from bullies. Norman was so happy his girl was out. =) Poor girl looks like she just came...
  15. Lutz Farms

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    And don't beat yourself up over what you did and didn't do. Omg, there are completely healthy children among parents who continually use, drink, smoke, etc. You cannot ponder on such thoughts.
  16. Lutz Farms

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    I too have a brilliant daughter and yet a son who continually struggles. We have been Through the IEP program at school and of course I was expecting these remarkable results yet this has been the worst year ever. Doctors are very reluctant about putting him on any meds before putting him thru...
  17. Lutz Farms

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Again, I have never met anyone here but you are all here when I have ever needed you which means truly the world to me. Thank you. I can't say I can answer all questions but if it comes to horses, Harleys, or mouthy children .....I'm an expert. ;)
  18. Lutz Farms

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    So, now I just realized it isn't the buff it is the amereraucana! He is great wi th the other hens just not this one Dominique. And she runs to me like, momma save me. Urrrr...I hate doing this to my flock as I have o th er issues going on. My beautiful female royal palm got into trouble and...
  19. Lutz Farms

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    ...She knows to run to me when they come running for her but I cannot be outside all the time. Went grocery shopping and came home to this. I'm tired of it. She is a sweet hen and I would rather get rid of that **** rooster or eat him. Please please help. Thank you for all your input. Gwen
  20. Lutz Farms

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    They are being welcomed by the others in the outdoor run enjoying some sun. Lol
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