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  1. NW Chickadee

    Raising Baby Chick-Along

    Thank you and thank you SO much for such a quick reply! Funny you mention enjoying my birds - I JUST told my husband that I just want to be able cuddle them in the way I'd dreamed of when I decided to get Silkies! It's been all worry so far! My littlest babe has a few spots that probably could...
  2. NW Chickadee

    Raising Baby Chick-Along

    Please help! I'm such a worrier! :( Juvenile molting in the brooder?? I have 3 young Silkies - 1 Paint that is approx 3 mos, one White that is approx 6 wks and 1 lil' Splash babe, about 4 wks (grouo picture was taken about 3 days ago). I know it's an odd array of ages but it's what the...
  3. NW Chickadee

    Silkie thread!

    Gaaaaah! The fleas! I can only imagine and it's so crazy the tricks our mind can play on us! I so appreciate all of your help & feedback. I've spent so many hours reading about all of these things online, but to get advice from someone with experience clears it all up so much! I've seen so...
  4. NW Chickadee

    Silkie thread!

    Thank you so, SO much! My 'littles' are still in the brooder and very young so I wasn't sure if this would still apply to them but they certainly are getting their new feathers. I feel tons better and really want to have my chicks in the house for a bit longer - I also have 2 more coming and...
  5. NW Chickadee

    Silkie thread!

    Help! Please tell me my lil' babes don't have bugs! :( I have 2 - 1.5 wk old Black Silkie chicks. And, I have an absolute big phobia! I've read horror stories about chicken mites taking over peoples homes... While holding my Silkies, these non-moving, non-alive, very thin black flakes fell...
  6. NW Chickadee

    Baby silkie questions!

    Help! I have 2 - 1.5 wk Black Silkie chicks. I'm have an absolute big phobia! While holding my Silkies, these non-moving, non-alive black flakes have come off. They're paper thin, really nothing to them, in diff shapes & sizes, yet all relatively small. Could these be dead mites? Is it...
  7. NW Chickadee

    Silkie colors

    Hi BYC friends! I'm considering purchasing a few bearded Silkie chicks from a breeder near by and am curious about the color. Some of the others (that sold) look more blue but these seem so black in spots. Someone had mentioned leakage? I'm relatively new to Silkies and the chicken world...
  8. NW Chickadee

    Silkie Chick with leg problem!

    I'm having an issue with my favorite little Silkie chick (why does it always have to be the faves!). I've had him for a week, drove 3 hrs to get them from a reputable breeder that I've used before and while with its mama, he walked fine. Once we got home and I put them in their new home/brooder...
  9. NW Chickadee

    Silkie Chick waking oddly

    I'm having an issue with my favorite little Silkie chick (why does it always have to be the faves!). I've had him for a week, drove 2hrs to get them from a reputable breeder that I've used before and all of her birds look amazing! He walked just fine when with his mama but when I put him into...
  10. NW Chickadee

    Young silkie is having an issue walking

    I'm having a similar issue with my favorite little one also (why does it always have to be the faves!). I've had mine for a week now. Drove 2 hrs to a reputable breeder that I've used before - All of her birds look amazing! It walked fine when he was with his Mama, then we got him home, into his...
  11. NW Chickadee

    Sneezing, No Other Symptoms, Worse Outside

    Hi there! I'm dealing with a similar situation now and am scared & perplexed! Although this is an old post, I would really love to know what your outcome was.? Thanks so much!
  12. NW Chickadee

    Silkie thread!

    @NNYchick and @FirstTimeClucky - Thank you both for your help and concern. I'm so happy that I've found BYC and people like you! I use the Save-A-Chick-Electrolytes, will def keep the Nutridrench on-hand and I think I'll pick up some Kaytee Exact so that I've got a nice little 'chick emergency'...
  13. NW Chickadee

    Silkie thread!

    I found some Nutri-drench locally, ran out to grab some and when I got home s/he had sadly died. The other 3 that I bought are doing great. I called the breeder last-night, she was very apologetic and said all of her other chicks are doing fine and she suspected it was just too much stress on...
  14. NW Chickadee

    Silkie thread!

    Thank you! I'll get on the phone now and start trying to find some locally.
  15. NW Chickadee

    Silkie thread!

    Help! I have a 3wk old small, Silkie chick. S/he's smaller than the other chicks it hatched with and came from a smaller egg. They've been raised by a wonderful mama hen, come from a reputable breeder and are SQ. Yesterday I drove 3 hrs and picked up her/it and her 3 siblings. She's struggling...
  16. NW Chickadee

    Sexing your Silkies (PICTURES AND TIPS - Updated July-5-12)

    There such sneaky little turds! And just like everyone else - I'm afraid to get too attached but I know that certainty will have to wait. I still LOVE the guesses though!
  17. NW Chickadee

    Silkie thread!

    ...#3 "Popcorn" (VERY docile, the last one to the food, would much rather nestle in and get comfy than perch) Chicks 3 & 4 are always together. Chick #4 (docile, not doesn't care to perch much and is one of the last to the food - *excuse its wet crest) Thanks so much for...
  18. NW Chickadee

    Sexing your Silkies (PICTURES AND TIPS - Updated July-5-12)

    Thank you for taking the time to take a look! That's exactly my thoughts also. 1 & 4 have me stumped.:th
  19. NW Chickadee

    Sexing your Silkies (PICTURES AND TIPS - Updated July-5-12)

    Ok friends! I know it's early but thought I'd give this a whirl! I have 4 - 6wk old, very PQ Silkies. I've really began noticing some behaviors in the last few days - thought I'd share some pics and what I've witnessed and see if anyone wants to throw out a guess! (I have my own guesses but I'm...
  20. NW Chickadee

    Silkie thread!

    I experienced something similar with a new Silkie I brought home to introduce to my exsisiting ones, also very close to same age . I ended up separating them, leaving it be for a day or so, slowly acclimated it to me and then once she seemed comfortable, I introduced the other silkies through a...
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