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  1. Cottage Rose


    You said what RURU posted was the most ignorant think you've ever read so that's not implying she's ignorant? Lets not assume what the meaning is behind what others say when you have no way of knowing what a person means, especially based on such a general comment. You were putting words on...
  2. Cottage Rose


    Very rude to call other people "ignorant" and RURU didn't say eating the meat from the breed in question would quote: "incorporate that gene into your DNA" she merely questioned what it would do to you. No need for name calling just because you don't agree with somebody's concern.
  3. Cottage Rose


    Nine Dirty Secrets About GMOs
  4. Cottage Rose


    A September 2012 study conducted by Giles-Eric Seralini of Caen University a found an increased risk of tumors and adverse toxicological effects from Monsanto's corn, NH 603 and its patented herbicide RoundUp. The two year study was a duplication of Monsanto's own "safety" study, with the only...
  5. Cottage Rose


    Diabolical, demented, cruel and GREED comes to mind.
  6. Cottage Rose


    Here's follow up info on the rat study. Unethical Journal Retraction Fuels Mistrust in GMO Science...
  7. Cottage Rose


    We all know studies can be flawed...I don't need empirical evidence to know consuming GMO products is probably not a good idea. The naysayers don't bother me and I don't need studies to prove what I know in my heart is right or not right FOR ME. So if I chose to not consume GMO's, processed...
  8. Cottage Rose


    Longest-Running GMO Safety Study Finds Tumors in Rats Monsanto’s Roundup-Ready corn caused a host of negative health effects in rats, including tumors and premature death. Read more:
  9. Cottage Rose


    At Natural News, they''ve just completed a fascinating new video that reveals the story of GMOs in just three minutes. Check it out on YouTube at: Learn more:
  10. Cottage Rose


    Lets just hope the USA can do the same thing soon. Or at the very least make GMO food be labeled as such. I read my labels and its scary how many food products have soy oil in them. Just about every packaged food! Another thing to avoid is partially hydrogenated oil. Worse trans fat you can put...
  11. Cottage Rose


    Clint I'm not sure what you're thinking here. I haven't said anything about EDC's so I don't know how I'm lumping anything together. I'm merely sharing information about GMO's.
  12. Cottage Rose


    Well I certainly would have concerns for both. How do you know which is the problem? I'm not a scientist so I really can't say for certain but I would suggest to look at the empirical evidence and decide for yourself.
  13. Cottage Rose


    Where did I state EDC's are not a problem?
  14. Cottage Rose


    The Corbett Report busts 5 known GMO myths. Myth #5 – GMOs feed more people Myth #4 – GMOs reduce pesticide use Myth #3 – No evidence of health problems Myth #2 – Genetic Engineering = Conventional Breeding Myth #1 – GMOs shouldn’t be labeled Viewing and agreeing optional.
  15. Cottage Rose


    Woo-HOOO!!! I found a source of NON GMO feed and its only about a 30 minute drive from me! They have Layer for $15. Starter/Grower for $17. and Scratch for $15. for 50# bags. They also have non GMO horse, cattle and pig feed. Thats the same price range that I pay for commercial GMO feed!! The...
  16. Cottage Rose


    Some more articles for your consideration.
  17. Cottage Rose


    YOTR I wasn't offended at all by your comments.
  18. Cottage Rose


    ...GM soy contains as much as 7-times the amount of a known soy allergen Soy allergies skyrocketed by 50% in the UK, soon after GM soy was introduced *Check out the rates in the US after GM soy was introduced.* The stomach lining of rats fed GM potatoes showed excessive cell growth, a condition...
  19. Cottage Rose


    All I've done is posted links to information. I'm certainly not an expert on the topic nor am I saying the all studies aren't flawed.... and oh yah, that would include Monsantos studies as well. You read, you decide. OR don't read it at all. Its hard to know who or what to believe but the choice...
  20. Cottage Rose


    Have you ever wondered how GMO corn is made. Roundup Ready Corn is genetically engineered corn that has had its DNA modified to withstand the herbicide glyphosate (the active ingredient in Monsanto's herbicide Roundup). It is also known as "glyphosate tolerant corn." RR corn was first...
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