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  • Users: Whigru
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  1. Whigru

    Lord Featherington is a lord, right? EE at 12wks

    I’d like confirmation that Lord Featherington - the EE with brown/red/black feathering - is indeed a lord. He was supposed to be an EE pullet but I don’t think that’s the case. My birds are 12wks tomorrow. I have not heard a crow yet, but these feathers and his size make me pretty confident he’s...
  2. Whigru

    EE gender - 7 weeks today - I too have zero chill

    Another poster mentioned a zero-chill attitude and that fits me in this situation, too. This one has me scratching my head and assuming cockerel and has been from the start. I’ve posted before but finally got some good close up pics for more detail. The feathering makes me think boy, especially...
  3. Whigru

    EE - 6.5 weeks - gender confirmation

    Hi all! Posting again about my EE who was hatched on April 19 so is 6.5 weeks. I think it’s a pullet but it’s always been a bit bigger than the others (multiple breeds so not a lot to compare) and has a flashier pattern than the one EE I had in the past. It’s the black & brown/red one in the...
  4. Whigru

    EE gender confirmation- hatched 4/19/23

    Hello! We have a new flock this year and all are supposed to be confirmed pullets but this one (sold to us as an EE) seems a bit larger than the only other EE we have and the 4 other breeds we’ve got. I’ve only ever had 1 EE so am not as familiar with telling their gender. The last one confused...
  5. Whigru

    It happened! Wyandotte laid at 42 weeks!

    We got a set of two chicks back in early March, a RIR and a Columbian Wyandotte. My RIR has been laying for several months but my CW had been enjoying these many months - 9 of them! - as a free-loader. Her comb development started during late summer but seemed to go on pause because while my...
  6. Whigru

    Ador Coop Door - thoughts and comments, please

    Hello everyone! We built our coop this spring and currently have a “door” that lifts up in toward the coop and latches above. I’m getting tired of trudging through cold/wind/rain/snow to let out and lock the girls up every day, though, and I don’t get out as early in the morning as they’d like...
  7. Whigru

    My EE finally laid - a beautiful tiny little egg!

    I have four pullets - and my third, an EE named Chicken Patty - laid her first beautiful little egg today! My RIR and ISA have been laying for a couple months, now. All that’s left is my Columbian Wyandotte, who is 34 weeks and stubborn as all get out! (Pic of birds is several months old).
  8. Whigru

    Weird worm-like squiggle on egg yolk

    I have an ISA Brown that has been laying for a month or two. I started noticing these weird squiggley-type thing attached to the yolk the last couple eggs of hers I’ve cracked. I’ve thrown them away because it doesn’t look normal but am hoping for some input from this group. I’ve had egg layers...
  9. Whigru

    Calling Columbian Wyandotte owners - laying age?

    Hi all! I have a Columbian Wyandotte that is nearing 29 weeks and she hasn’t laid, yet. I’m pretty confident she’s a pullet by the tell of her feathers, and her small comb. I’m wondering who else out there has CWs and when they started to lay. I’ve done pelvic checks over the last few weeks and...
  10. Whigru

    Will egg size change now that it’s been 6 weeks?

    Hi there! My hatchery RIR has been laying for about 6 weeks and her eggs are now coming regularly (skipping a day every few days) but have not increased in size. I weigh every egg since she is my only egg layer so far and they are all around 45 grams in weight. They aren’t quite as small as they...
  11. Whigru

    Daily laying - an issue?

    Hello! My RIR started laying around 10 days ago. Her eggs are pee wee size and twice now she’s laid two eggs/day, with both being soft shelled. My previous flock always took a break after every 3-4 eggs but she has laid consistently now for 10 days, for a total of 12 eggs (including the 4...
  12. Whigru

    Easter Egger gender question again

    Hello all, I’ve asked before but have let a few weeks go by before asking again. I have one EE and it was sold as a pullet but this thing confuses me. It is very flighty and will not let me get near it to pick up for better close-up pictures. It is 12 weeks old, feather coloring has stayed...
  13. Whigru

    Another question about egg size

    Hi all! I’ve scrolled through several posts trying to find an answer to this question but either missed it or didn’t scroll far enough. I have a prod red that started laying a week ago. Interestingly enough, she’s laid every day for the last week, as well. One day was a two egg day but the...
  14. Whigru

    Pelvic bone check proved right!

    I’ve kept chickens for a year or so now, but last year it was all new to me so I didn’t know much. This year, I had to start over with 4 birds - two are now 20wks and two are now 11wks. I noticed that my Prod Red was exhibiting signs of nearing POL in the last week or so: red, floppier comb and...
  15. Whigru

    Roosting - What’s Normal?

    ...were little, and now with the other birds in there, they seem to “tuck” the little ones in to the coop and then park themselves in the doorway. I *think* the little ones roost on the bar in the coop, but they may also just be sleeping on the floor of the coop. I guess I’m not sure if there is...
  16. Whigru

    My Flock!

    I finally got a few good pictures of my small backyard flock today and I don’t know many people who care about chickens more than this group, so I had to share! We had a small flock last year but had to start over this spring so it’s been a long process with not much of a reward yet, but we’ll...
  17. Whigru

    Do pullets start eating oyster shell when getting close to POL?

    Hi all! I’ve looked around the site a bit and couldn’t find a post exactly like mine so am posting my question here - apologies if there is a place to find this answer somewhere! I have a flock of four - two are closing in on 18wks (RIR and Columbian Wyandotte), two are close to 9 weeks. I have...
  18. Whigru

    Run "flooring" for MN coop

    Hello Everyone, We have a backyard coop and run and are located in MN. We don't have the run fully covered yet but will be putting some roofing over it within the next couple weeks. My question is related to the floor of the run. The coop/run are in our yard so the grass has been turned to...
  19. Whigru

    Easter Egger - pullet or cockerel?

    Hi all! This is Patty, and she (he?) is my first experience with an EE. This bird is almost 6 weeks old, got it from Tractor Supply, and thought she was a pullet. I’ve been reading up on EEs and it seems they come in all sorts of colors, and coloring can help a person figure out if it’s a pullet...
  20. Whigru

    How to encourage friendly behavior with two sets of chicks?

    I have 2 sets of chicks, 9 weeks apart. My older gals are 12 weeks and I have a Columbian Wyandotte and a RIR. My babies are 3 weeks and one is an ISA Brown and the other is an Easter Egger. I have read a lot of posts about integrating chicks to the flock and I’m just wondering if there’s...
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