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  1. greenthumb89

    Netherland Dwarf Genetic Colors Question

    ...was wondering after looking through her colors book if it is plausible to get any martens out of a breeding. after looking over possible genetics i *think* she should be able to get a smoke pearl marten, i think its called and later breedings a siamese sable marten. and i was also wondering...
  2. greenthumb89

    Anyone read any books by Australian writer Sara Douglass?

    i have a question im pretty sure i know the answer but i want to to 100% sure. In the Axis books he had one brother from father StarDrifter, Gorgreal, and one brother from his Mother Rivkah, Borneheld. then later after Faraday left she gave Rivkah the ability to have one more child for her...
  3. greenthumb89

    sore mouth and goats

    ok i was at a dairy farm the other day and her kids had sore mouth, full of scabs...but only after i was playing with them. this was a little over a week ago and i havent had any break outs of scabs but the people that went wih me that also pet the goats before realizing what they had have 2...
  4. greenthumb89

    twin heifer and bull calf questions

    i was reading in a book and it said that in a bull calf and a heifer twin circumstance that the heifer cant breed. i was wondering why not?
  5. greenthumb89

    youtube idiots rant

    ok i was surfing youtube and came across a video of a guy showing so decent looking brahmas, he then began to tell people that brahmas where some of the fiercest chicken breeds because they had Malay in their ancestry...i told him no look at the feathers and the temperment of the breed as a...
  6. greenthumb89

    D'Uccle genetics question

    ok so porcelain duccles carry the mille fleur and the lavender gene right? so if i was to set up a breeding pen of them and had 2 mille fleur hens, 2 lavender hens, and 2 porcelain hens with a porcelain roo or 2. i could genetically have the possibility of getting all the colors right? dont...
  7. greenthumb89

    Rabbits staying outside question

    ok now that i have chickens and someone needs to stay home to take care of them my mother wants to get a couple of meat rabbits from a local source. the person that has them keeps them outside all winter long, they are california mixes with a couple of other large rabbits mixed in. the houses...
  8. greenthumb89

    buff and partridge silkies genetics help please

    i reads somewhere that to get a good partridge color you should ahve a buff roo over partridge hens is this true? does it make then more showable? im asking because when i get my farm someday i want some built in incubators, that will also have sellable eggs.
  9. greenthumb89

    silkie i think

    this hatched from an egg that was sent accidently with another order and i was told that i should be a silkie which is what i though but the feathering is normal feathers its almsot 3 weeks i think i was also wondering if it could be sexed, it was the only silkie with 4 sumatras that hatched and...
  10. greenthumb89

    wisconsin swap in abrams

    does anyone know when the fall swap in abrams is going to be, i just heard there they have one and was wondering if anyone knew the date
  11. greenthumb89

    first time babies

    this was my first time hatching i ordered 2 dozen eggs from pidgey and 2 days later i got 23 in the mail and out of the 23 only onewas broken. and after 17 days 9 eggs left and now i have 3 new babies one of the white ones is supposed to be a SL/GL wyandotte buff orpington mix and the other 2...
  12. greenthumb89

    3 out and one problem please help

    ok i noticed one of the eggs i have is pipping about midnight last night and i stayed up to make sure that it was ok becasue ive read all the horror stories on here about different things going wrong. its been 8 hours since it pipped and it doesnt seem to be doing anything, it still peeps when i...
  13. greenthumb89

    poultry swap around green bay wisconsin

    im looking for a poultry swap around green bay wisconsin. can anyone help me?
  14. greenthumb89


    when sumatras first feather out do they have a lot of white on them and then it goes away with the first molt? because the chicks i have are supposed to be sumatras but they have a lot of white on them and was just wondering if they were maybe a cross.
  15. greenthumb89

    salmon faverolles

    i read some where that faverolles are a rare bird to find a breeder for adn i just love the little hatchery one i have so i was think i might get into the breeding and showing of LF and possible bantam Favorelles and was wondering how easy it is to find a breeder that carries them>
  16. greenthumb89

    favorelle lookalikes? breeding question

    if i bred a cochin to an ameraucana would the resulting babies look like a favorelle just without the 5th toe? im just wondering because i love the looks ie the beard and feet of the favorelle but hate the flightyness and i really like the colors and featherfootedness of the cochins and the egg...
  17. greenthumb89

    temp spike will they be ok?

    this is my first time hatching i am using an LG still air without a turner and the temp spiked to idea how long but when i went to turn them at 9 it was at 104 so it could have been there since 1 this afternoon...i know that this is probably going to harm the hatch but by how much...
  18. greenthumb89

    turning question

    ok people have said they stop turning 3 days before the hatch and some people say stop on day 18 well if you stop on day 18 then thats 4 days not turned 18,19,20, justa little confused as to when to stop turning my eggs
  19. greenthumb89

    what is this little one? im wondering about the pic of the third individual chick it is all black with feathered feet, was told they were all sumatras but sumatras dont ahve feather feet. anyy guesses?
  20. greenthumb89

    ahhhh help please newbie hatching

    this is my first time hatching. i dont have a turner. how is the best way to turn them? i have ben picking them up off the wire and holdingthem with one hand and turning them and setting them back down with the other...please tell me if this is ok????
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