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  1. GrannyHeeney


    Not poultry/livestock, etc. but we all love birds. <3 I've been trying to re-find something in the news a few months back on discoveries related to either toucan or hornbills--I believe it was "fringe-tongued toucans?" I was hearing that the tongue is so sensitive that the bird only needs to...
  2. GrannyHeeney

    ISO Bantam breeders in Upstate SC

    Been loving on Seramas and OEGBs but, well...they're ALL chickens! :D Whatever breed we decide to go with, we want about 3 hens and 2 roos. Specifically 2 roos because one will live a cushy life on the back of our couch with special window-wallering sunlight privileges and limited access to the...
  3. GrannyHeeney

    Still a pullet? :D

    Cricket's 2 mos now. I had better pictures but when I blew the data limit on my phone--which I didn't know I had--3 of the yucky ones were sent. :rant So this is really just for fun. :) 2 weeks ago, about 20 folks guessed "pullet" Cricket still a pullet? :lol:
  4. GrannyHeeney

    In love with Royal Palms

    Been poking around at info about them on the interwebz. :) I believe it all started when I was snooping pics from @rjohns39 :D Please post your photos of these lovely birds! Also a wee question: I keep reading that these are considered ornamental birds and not a primary choice for meat...
  5. GrannyHeeney

    Personal exp. w. BR roos?

    So many folks have said that the roos that scarred their psyches (and their legs LOL) when they were kids were RR roos, so I'm wondering how the Barred Rocks stand up. Anyone have particularly good or bad memories or experiences with BR boys?
  6. GrannyHeeney

    Layers of small eggs?

    I kept trying to Google it but it just kept kicking out small breeds and ye olde list of awesome layers. *sigh* I guess the interwebz can't fathom that I want little eggs! Can you suggest some breeds that are consistent layers of small eggs? (Not the teeny peewee eggs like bantams lay)
  7. GrannyHeeney

    Give peas a chance!

    ...chickens absolutely won't eat? I just added peas to the list--they won't touch them. Also, beans in any form, green or otherwise, oatmeal (are you kidding me??), and 9 Volt (the little priss LOL) doesn't like anything wet or sticky because he is an obsessive beak wiper. *insert eye roll here*
  8. GrannyHeeney

    IT'S.....a chick.

    "She's" about 2 mos now, I believe. She won't hold still for a proper portrait LOL I'm not falling over myself to know, so if nobody can tell yet (or the pictures are too horrid), I know nature will make it all clear eventually. So, just for fun, do you think Cricket is a he or a she? :)
  9. GrannyHeeney

    Deaf Wars! :D

    Him (what I heard): Can you bring me a bone and some water? Me: A bone and some water? Are you going to hex me or something? What did I do to you!? Him: A BOTTLE OF WATER. Me: Oh. Okay. Thought you were going all voodoo on me. Was going to go hide the chickens from you. (He and I have...
  10. GrannyHeeney

    I've been a little down today, so...

  11. GrannyHeeney

    Still with that beak! X-( beak is almost to where it should be, got maybe a quarter to an eighth inch before it's right. The bottom one is giving me fits--that quick is *right there*, now, and the darn thing doesn't seem to be pulling back. His bottom jaw is ever-so-slightly kicked to the side, so I'm concerned...
  12. GrannyHeeney

    The Purple Hat of Ultimate Evil

    The first time 9 Volt saw the Purple Hat of Ultimate Evil, I was putting it on the handle of the vacuum and rolling the vacuum into the corner of the living room where I store it. Don't ask why I leave the Hat on the vacuum handle...I guess my randomness is part of my charm. :p :lau Anyhow...
  13. GrannyHeeney

    Things you never thought you'd say/hear

    There NEEDS to be a thread like this :gig The best ones involving chickens usually have to do with poo, such as, "Don't poop in my hair, I have to go to the store," or "Who keeps pooping next to my car door?" There's plenty from other situations though, such as, "Do you know how hard it is to...
  14. GrannyHeeney

    What the heck is it?! (My turn LOL)

    I originally posted this years ago on FB: "We found the cutest abandoned puppy today. I think we'll keep him." Our friends were horrified. ROFL Anyone know what it REALLY is? :lol:
  15. GrannyHeeney

    Sexing by wing feathering?

    My friend said wing feathers can indicate sex (something about double rows or layers or something?) and is fairly sure this is a pullet. Just for fun (not even a week old!), what do y'all think?
  16. GrannyHeeney

    Fun ways to annoy your rooster

    As you can tell by the mouth hanging open, he complained the whole time LOL Hey, we clean up their poo, tolerate their tantrums and broodiness...they should be able to take a little ribbing! Anyone else have some good-natured "annoy your chicken" pics? :gig
  17. GrannyHeeney

    Merry Christmas!

    I been baking...NOT! :gig
  18. GrannyHeeney

    We gotta talk! :-o

    Okay, it's 20 degrees outside, and I never expected any of these eggs to hatch, but I let Mollie keep her 3 little green eggs. Yesterday was day 21; went to let everyone out/feed just now and opened the flip lid on the back of the coop, lifted her up just to get a quick look (and ticked her off...
  19. GrannyHeeney

    Beak filing for a rescue

    I rescued 9 Volt in July and his beak was so long that he looked like Gonzo. I read up on trimming and have been working on him ever since. He's certainly looking better, but that darn bottom beak is driving me crazy. The quick is pulling back sooooo slowly. I know from studying the photos...
  20. GrannyHeeney

    Barnevelder! :D And...

    This is my daughter's app. 13 wk old Barnevelder, Robin. :) She knows they're notoriously hard to gender so she won't be heartbroken if y'all tell her to wait a while. ;) We just decided to give it a shot and see what everyone else thinks, since each week, we change our minds. "Oh...
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