I got my first egg today! I am jokingly calling it my $1,200 egg since that's how much I've spent to get this far 😂😂 I suspect it is from my olive egger Roxy ❤️ 🥚 I ran out to show my husband in my pajamas 😂😂😂
Hello fellow chicken lovers! I wanted to document my coop building journey and share with other people who would understand my egg-citement! 😂
I am using 10x10 shed plans that I purchased off of Etsy. I have to preface that I have limited prior building experience, (despite the fact that my...
Hi all
I am looking for a Cochin LF rooster, no bantams please. I would prefer blue, balck, or splash but I am not too picky. I don't want to have to pay for shipping so only local eligible bachelors please . I am located in CT so RI and southern MA as well as CT are all places that I would...
Hi everyone
I am looking for a new home for my 5 month old handsome bantam blue cochin rooster, "Piccolo". He is too rough for my 3 banty hens of the same age so I believe he would benefit from a home with older bantam hens or a dominate rooster who will put him in his place. I have a standard...
I was wondering if any of you tremendously knowledgeable people could tell me what color this little 9 week old chick is. When I bought her I thought she was maybe a birchen, now I'm not sure. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated! Sorry for the blurry pics the chick did not want to hold...
Here are the four newest editions to the New Concord Farm! They are 8 week old cochin bantams. There is a buff frizzle, a black frizzle, a birchen (I think) and a blue. Aren't they cute ??
Checking everything out
In a cute fluffy pile
I lost three chickens yesterday to an unknown predator. My dad found one the first of the chickens not even 20 feet from the coop with just a puncture wound. I found the other about 50 feet away from the coop in nearly perfect condition, she just had some feathers missing. The other is a rooster...
My dad found our poor little Lucy Loo a ten week old Delaware dead outside the coop this evening. It wasn't even dark out yet, so my dad counted the others and found that there were two others missing. The two others were our young roo Swisher the blue cochin and Big Betty the Buff Brahma...
Hi everyone!
One of my pullets, 13 week old Jenny who is a partridge Cochin, has developed a swelling all around her eye. When I first saw it from afar I thought that her eye had been pecked out or something because her eye looked so sunken back in her head. It has been swollen like this since...
My little Delaware 2 day old chick is acting listless. When I went to check them this morning, I noticed that the other chicks were ganging up on her and pecking beneath her eye, and she wasn't moving away. I think that they pecked her so much she has bald spots under her eyes, however the spots...
My little Delaware 2 day old chick is acting listless. When I went to check them this morning, I noticed that the other chicks were ganging up on her and pecking beneath her eye, and she wasn't moving away. I think that they pecked her so much she has bald spots under her eyes, however the spots...
My chicks have been here for a week already! Here is a one week update! It was their first time outside as well. They found a worm and it was the most entertaining thing I have ever seen!
Partridge Cochin Female (Jenny) Kind of wary of us but is getting better.
Two days:
One week:
Meyer changed my order staus to "In Progress". My babies aren't due to hatch until the 20th (this upcoming Monday). So what does that mean? Are they getting shipped out early? Thanks for any help!
Hey all
I do not have my little babies yet (they will be leaving the hatchery June 20th and hopefully be here the 21st!!) but I would like to get a rooster eventually and I was wondering how old the pullets have to be before I introduce him to them. However, I may get a rooster in my box...
So! My little babies are going to be coming in exactly 15 days () and I am making their new home, which I am unoffically calling the Coop D'ville until I come up with something more creative! I am converting my old tree house that my dad built for my brother and sister and I about 15 years ago...
Hello everyone!
So, I am getting six chicks in June (I'm sooo excited!) and I was wondering how big the nest boxes should be. I am getting all large breed chickens (barred rock, cochin, brahma, delaware, EE, and golden laced wyandotte). I picked up a two shelf book shelf from Ocean State Job lot...
What have you people done to me?!?!?! I haven't even gotten mine chicks yet and I am already looking at hatching eggs to hatch for NEXT year!!!! Is this how the hoarding starts?
Anyway, what is the farthest you have recieved shipped hatching eggs and still had a hatch? I was looking at some eggs...
Hello everyone
Is a 100w ceramic heat emitter enough heat? I accidently ordered the 100w instead of the 150w from Amazon. I'm not sure if the 50w makes a difference between the two, but I felt like 150w was a good level. On a suggestion from another BYCer, I am planning on using a 250w red heat...