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  1. Coveacres

    What kind of Rooster is this.

    EE... huh you may be right I googled up a few images that do look alot like mine. Yup.. your probably right. I am only familar with purebreed chickens and that would explain why I had no idea what an Easter Egger rooster was hehe.
  2. Coveacres

    Mites... In need of some help, please!

    There are natural sprays as indicated by the previous post. DE (food grade) is edible and wont hurt the eggs. Either will work but if you prefer the spray I say get it. I've personally never had mites but my vet gives lectures on poultry that I've attended and he tells his customers to use DE...
  3. Coveacres

    Mites... In need of some help, please!

    DE has mixed review when the issue of INTERNAL parasites come up. As far as external issues DE is proven and works wonderfully. A dust bath in DE along with a coop clean-out with warm soapy water is usually suggested. After the clean-out and dry time I would sprinkle DE in the bedding and around...
  4. Coveacres

    Do my chicks need grit for treats?

    According to poultry experts (at least the ones that have held meetings in my area) anytime you feed poultry something other than a commercial feed they should have grit. Commercial feeds are so easy to digest its not needed but anything else is questionable, hence they provide "chick grit".
  5. Coveacres

    What kind of Rooster is this.

    So here is a pic of a rooster (my only rooster) that came as a "rare" addition to my Mcmurray order last year. I still cant figure out what it is. He's playing with scraps of my work in progress coop hehe.
  6. Coveacres

    Thing you like most about chickens

    For me its probably how they swarm me and peck at my shoe-laces anytime I enter the run or coop. I did a bit of work on my coop recently and had to re-tie my shoes four times in a fifteen minute time frame. Or... How I can call some 75 birds just by shaking some scratch in a plastic cup. Its a...
  7. Coveacres

    Chicks keeping spilling water and getting their bedding in it...

    Hehe, put a little scratch in your hand and they will eat it right out tame or not.
  8. Coveacres

    Chick swallowed a strand of hair! HELP ASAP!

    If part of it is sticking out I would suggest you simply pull it out. Truthfully though I dont think a hair would hurt them any. Perhaps someone will correct that assumption.
  9. Coveacres

    Which is the best bedding to use for my baby chicks??

    I use pine shavings. Just be sure to cover it with paper the first day or two so that the chicks dont think its a food source :)
  10. Coveacres

    The Best Place to Live in the United States?

    It doesn't really fit all your desires listed, but I just have to put in a plug for Eastern Washington. If I did not already own land I would probably move more south than I live now (central) but this is a great state. I enjoy the winter here because it allows us to slow down a bit and enjoy...
  11. Coveacres

    Spring Poultry Orders - Ideal Poultry

    March seems to be the golden month around here. I just ordered a batch of Black Australorpes a few days ago and that hatchery (not Ideal) told me I wouldn't receive them til March 11th. That is close enough I guess ;)
  12. Coveacres

    Question about chick food

    Thanks I will check my feed store to see if they carry either of those. I just bought Purina because the Layena plus had flaxseed and marigold added. We have a locally owned feed store here that is excellent so I hope if they dont have it they will get it. Just FYI I've been paying about $15...
  13. Coveacres


    Anyone else around Kittitas County going to the Purina sponsored chicken raising class tomorrow? I'm going pretty much to meet people but maybe I will learn something too :)
  14. Coveacres

    Question about chick food

    @ Whitbey Purina has more fillers? I feed my flock Purina Layena Plus. I was told this was one of the better feeds on the market. Now I'm curious if this is a good feed or not. What do BYC 'ers suggest? My chicks have been raised on Purina Start and Grow until around week 16-18. Purina is...
  15. Coveacres


    Heck I know people who have those without having skunks hehe.
  16. Coveacres

    what decapitates without consuming? *new info and new pics Pg.4*

    Had a similar problem years ago... it was a Raccoon. Had it been only one bird I would have said Owl, but I must agree with others here and say it sounds very much like a raccoon.
  17. Coveacres

    What to do with neighbors dog?

    I had a similar problem... my solution. I yelled at the dogs and fired two shotgun blasts in the air. They have not come back once and its been 6 months.
  18. Coveacres

    The "get to 1,000 pages before 12/31/12" thread

    Thought I would add my 2 cents... oh ****.. only have a nickle.
  19. Coveacres

    My dogs brought home a chicken...

    As a farmer and dog lover it bothers me that multiple neighbors allow their dogs to roam. I love dogs and the neighbors all have very friendly non-aggressive dogs, but my rat terrier (who loves people) will attack intruding animals. I also have many small farm animals from chickens to rabbits...
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