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  1. adobechicks

    Safely shipping eggs.

    I had a brilliant idea...or maybe not so much !!! Has anyone tried shipping a small hard cooler to the person you are buying eggs from and having them ship it back with the eggs in it??? When I buy shipped eggs they are wrapped with extreme care, padded, and clearly marked fragile. The last...
  2. adobechicks

    Buying Quality Turkey Hatching Eggs

    I have heard so much that turkeys and chickens from hatcheries just are not of as good quality. I want to raise bourbon red turkeys but would like to start with quality. How do I know that I am buying quality eggs from someone. Not just eggs from hatchery turkeys??? Any advice??
  3. adobechicks

    Some Hatched-Some Died ???????

    I had 5 eggs make it to full grown size and only 2 of them hatched. They other 3 died just before....never rocked or anything. The 2 that hatched are healthy and happy. What is going on????? I only candled them 3 times. The last time was on day 10. I know there is probably no definant answer...
  4. adobechicks

    wrong end pip -HELP !!!!!

    I just had a chick pip at the wrong end. When he did i noticed a little bit of blood. I read a lot on here that they often die like this unless you can help them to air. So with that being said....I got him out wrapped the egg in warm wet paper towels. broke the shell a little bit around the pip...
  5. adobechicks

    should i see movement day 19?

    We have 2 days left on the countdown. Day 2 started at 9:00 last night. The eggs have not rocked or anything. I candled them and did not see any movement. I assume they are fully developed chicks because they entire egg is black except the air sac....I am worried that they have died. I have kept...
  6. adobechicks


    I have a Brinsea Mini advanced. It has two spaces for water. The first 18 days you are supposed to fill one of them....the last 3 days you are supposed to fill both. Last hatch most of my chicks never made it to full size but the 2 that did died within the last day. I am pretty sure they...
  7. adobechicks

    no luck on the hatch.....advice or knowledge please !!!

    well we had 1 chick that was rocking on thursday. no movement friday and nothing today. today was day 22. I candled the egg and saw no movement. the kids and i cracked it open and it was long gone :( the internal membrane was really tight around it. i thought this was because of low humidity but...
  8. adobechicks

    turning eggs

    I have had my eggs in the incubator pointy side down for days 1-6 and have been just kinda tilting them back and forth to turn them. I candled them last night and they are growing well. Should I now lay them down on their side and actually turn them or are they ok sitting up and down and just...
  9. adobechicks

    How can I tell if my shipped eggs are "scrambled" or intact ??

    My shipped eggs arrived today. Di spite the sellers markings of FRAGILE all over the box, it was still smashed. Luckily she packaged them well so only 2 eggs were broken. I am really worried that the others are ruined now. Is there anyway to tell? Can I candle them....if i do what do i look for...
  10. adobechicks

    Eggs not received today...will they be ok?

    I was expecting to get my eggs in the mail today and they didn't arrive. They were gathered mon and tue this week. Will they be ok to hatch still??? I am worried they are getting ruined in the mail. they were shipped tue am. ahhhhh
  11. adobechicks

    First timer :)

    I will be incubating my first set of eggs Saturday. Any and all advice is welcome. They should arrive in the mail Thursday. I am going to use the Brinsea Mini Advanced Incubator. 1. what do i do with them until i put them in the incubator? 2. what time should I put them in on Saturday? 3. if i...
  12. adobechicks

    when incubating what day is start day in a 21 day incubation?

    I know this is probably common sense but...... I am ordering eggs. Should be here thursday. so do i start the countdown from thursday or from the day they were layed?????
  13. adobechicks

    I am ADDICTED to this website!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I could and have spent all day looking around on here!!! It is very engaging :)
  14. adobechicks

    does each hen need a nesting box? or should they share?

    I have 2 nesting boxes built. wondering if I should get more. Planning on about 6 hens.
  15. adobechicks

    Can anyone tell me what kind of rooster this is??

    Someone gave me this rooster and I have no idea what kind it is. It may be a mutt...IDK?????
  16. adobechicks

    Hatching Eggs In Colorado !!!!!!!!!

    Would like to find someone in colorado. I would like pure breed eggs. I really like plymouth rock and buff orpingtons. Thinking about silkies also. I am on the western slope. So anywhere close to that would work ;)
  17. adobechicks

    and ideas on how to ward off preditors

    My chickens have to be cooped up all winter...I feel bad for them because they love to be out. But we have let them out for about 30min once and lost a hen. The fox is hungry in the winter time !!!! We don't have a dog...and don't really want one. Any suggestions?
  18. adobechicks

    Hey All :)

    I love this site. So much information!!!! I love chickens ! never thought I would ...i really do enjoy them. Thinking of getting ducks but live in the adobe area with no water :) Thanks for all your great post !
  19. adobechicks

    what is an olive egger

    is this really just the color of the eggs??? or does it have more meaning?
  20. adobechicks

    how many squar feet does each chicken need?

    wondering if I need to build a bigger coup? Current coup is about 6x6 indoor and 8x3 outdoor.
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