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    Attention Muscovy lovers

    Hello everyone! I need some help! My muscovy hen had babies with my Indian runner males and now I have 6 beautiful ducklings. I'm pretty familiar with Indian runners but I don't have much experience with the Muscovy breed since I just got her about 9 months ago and she's the only one I have...

    *~*Runner Duck Club*~*

    Question! I have 13 runners, a muscovy and 6 runner/muscovy mix ducklings. How much should I be feeding them? They act like they are always hungry and I don't want to feed them too little.

    *~*Runner Duck Club*~*

    I'm not sure exactly what they are doing, my 2 drakes do this too. I've translated it to mean, "if anybody out there is watching, these are my ducks. You mess with my ducks, you mess with me." Do yours also do a "head shake and whistle dip" as I call it? Obviously, I adore my drakes, they're the...

    *~*Runner Duck Club*~*

    I have 2 questions. First I would like to know what my drakes are doing when they walk around with their heads tucked into their chest and their hair puffed out on their heads? I see all of them doing this at the same time and I have no idea what they are doing. Second I want to know if my...

    *~*Runner Duck Club*~*

    Thanks! yes that made sense to me. I love my animals and it would break my heart to see anything bad happen to them.

    *~*Runner Duck Club*~*

    Yes, I planned on putting a camera back out there tomorrow just to keep an eye on them. I sure hope they don't hurt the ducklings, I just raised 10 myself and was looking forward to just watching the mom take care of them this time. ha ha

    *~*Runner Duck Club*~*

    Ok everyone I need some advice. My Runner has been sitting on her eggs like a good momma and we are 3 days away from them hatching. I have a muscovy that I brought into the flock about 5 months ago and she has been sitting next to my runner everyday but she doesn't have any eggs of her own and...

    *~*Runner Duck Club*~*

    I can't seem to come across any information about it on the internet. I was expecting fawn/white and maybe some solid white ducklings but I wasn't sure if an all brown duck was possible.

    *~*Runner Duck Club*~*

    I just had about 10 ducklings hatch from my runners and some of their coloring looks off. My female is solid white and my drakes are white and fawn. Are their any other colors that could be produced by these parents? I'm concerned because one of my ducklings has an almost black beak.

    *~*Runner Duck Club*~*

    I put my female runner with my 2 year old boys when she was 6 months old and she hasn't gotten any bigger so I would assume that they are full grown for sure by 6 months of age.

    *~*Runner Duck Club*~*

    I just hatched a runner and it's legs are look like they are turning a blue/ brownish color. Almost looks like his legs are bruised. It's been a while since I've had a duckling but I don't remember my others looking like that. Is this normal? Also I was wondering with it's mother being solid...

    Great Pyrenees Pups

    I am in the process of buying a Pyrenees puppy. I'm not buying from a breeder but the guy says the dog is purebred. Can anyone tell me if this dog looks purebred to you. Never seen a dog at 5 wks with a pink nose and blue eyes like this so I wasn't for sure.

    LGD Great Pyrenees Puppies - 4 week old Update Post 17 - Pic Heavy

    When does their pink nose turn black. I am going to post of pic of a dog I'm getting ready to buy and I'm not sure if it's purebred.

    *~*Runner Duck Club*~*

    It seems like the drakes always give her a hard time in the pool. LOL She always seems to welcome it though. I might try to bring her in tomorrow for a bath if she hasn't done anything or I might just bath her in that pool while the boys are locked in their house. Thanks for the suggestion.

    Silkie thread!

    UPDATE!! After 8 silkie eggs and 5 of them coming out with leg problems, only 1 survived. I also hatched 9 Rhode Island Reds and they all came out perfect. Not sure what is going on with the silkies but is inbreeding possible. The hen we got the eggs from was purchase with a rooster as...

    *~*Runner Duck Club*~*

    My female duck is covered in mud and she won't clean off in the pool. Usually when I put clean water in the pool she is the first one in there but it's been 2 weeks and she won't clean off or even go into the pool anymore. She is eating and getting around just fine but I have no idea why she...

    *~*Runner Duck Club*~*

    I put them in for 7 days and then candle them but nothing appears. I keep them in for another 7 days because I refuse to believe they aren't fertile but nothing happens. They mate at least once a day both in the water and on dry land so I assumed they would have it right at least once.

    *~*Runner Duck Club*~*

    I have a runner who is laying eggs just about every day and I always see her mating with my drakes. I put her eggs in the incubator but nothing is happening. Why aren't her eggs fertile?

    Silkie thread!

    I have an automatic egg turner but I do have issued keeping the humidity stable. I can keep it right most of the day but when I wake up in the morning it has dropped over night. I just can't keep the humidity stable without having to adjust thing every few hours.

    Silkie thread!

    I need some help please. I have hatched 2 batches of silkie eggs and so far I have lost 3 of them, I have one that was spraddle legged and 2 that I'm not sure what's wrong because their legs wont straighten out. Are silkies normally difficult to hatch yourself or am I doing something wrong?
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