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  1. rannug


    My chicken raising days are over. Last night I lost my last seven. A guinea, 5 banties, and my beautiful French Black Copper Maran. His three his three hens were killed earlier. What did it? No coons, no fox, they were killed at night inside their coop. Most of them their heads were gone...
  2. rannug

    Look what we caught in our trap....

    HELP. Three nights ago seven of my banties were killed. Last night another banty and one of my black copper French Marians were killed. All inside the coop. All at nighttime. It is digging under the “threshold “. That is the only place I don’t don’t have 1/2” mesh wire. I’m going to right...
  3. rannug

    Gruesome pictures

    Well, I’m out of the chicken business for a while. Just two guineas left. And a hundred pounds of feed. I’m not old yet, but dw would not be able to care for them. Lots of good memories. My old hen turkey would get on my 4whlr, make herself comfy in my lap and off we’d go. I’ve seen the...
  4. rannug

    Gruesome pictures

    Thanks for the tremendous response. Two more dead ones this a.m. Until I know differently I am blaming a mink or weasel with a strong feeling it’s a mink. Case closed.
  5. rannug

    Gruesome pictures

  6. rannug

    Guineas won't go in their coop all of a sudden!

    When I close in the chickens I close in the guineas if they’re inside. If they roost in a maple tree, so be it.
  7. rannug

    Gruesome pictures

    As soon as I know how.
  8. rannug

    Gruesome pictures

    Hi guys. I’m probably not following protocol for which I apologize. Last night I put one guinea fowl, four not grown French black bronze Marans, one adult female not related, two Banty roos, and two guinea hens. And seven banty peeps, not yet the size on mourning doves. This morning when I let...
  9. rannug

    Strange looking silkie peeps

    ok, here's my story and I'm sticking to it. I have two flocks. One has 5 banties, 2 full sized hens, can't think what breed right now, 5 Blue Palm turkeys, and one male guinea. The other flock has 2 male guineas which roost in a tree above the coop, 10 silkies and their various chicks...
  10. rannug

    two killed poults

    I have two guineas, two supposed blue palm turkeys, and assorted banties in the coop. A few mornings ago I let them all out, but two of the five poults were dead. Injuries to the side of their necks and shoulder. Something killed them. My first thought was the tom, but no way of knowing...
  11. rannug

    Winter is Coming! Checklists, tips, advice for a newbie

    Hi LadyCluck, I am a newbie also, this will be the second winter for my foul farmyard fowl here in east central Ohio, 44675. No problems last winter, and I keep things as simple as possible for me, but also ok for the fowl. I semi converted a 12 x 16 shed into a coop, kinda. I cleaned it...
  12. rannug

    Poultry Predator Identification

    I was late closing up the coop, luckily. I wondered what that dark spot was, turned on the flash light, skunk. It went the coop. Check ckens, turkeys, and guineas came out of there like AA missiles. I then shot the skunk. 6 of 7 banty peeps are missing, at least for now. I brought the one...
  13. rannug

    Poultry Predator Identification

    Yeah, I'm putting out a trail cam tonight. I don't think the predator(s) are mink or weasel. Thank you for your comment.
  14. rannug

    Poultry Predator Identification

    Thanks for your response Thanks for the response. I'm in Carroll Co., east central Ohio. Neighbors have seen coyotes around but I haven't seen any. There was a beautiful red fox in my yard, but S, S, & S. Just checked and she put the egg back into the nest.
  15. rannug

    Poultry Predator Identification

    Gail, Just read your posting re: predators. Very interesting. Much appreciated. A couple situations you might be able to answer for me. I lost one of my banties to something during the day. It was killed one day, but not eaten until the next day. She was not eaten where she was killed. I...
  16. rannug

    Eating turkey eggs?

    I think I just as soon not eat a buzzard egg tho.
  17. rannug

    Save my chickens from the hawk!!!!!!!!!!

    I live in the woods. We have everything from weasels to bears, along with owls and hawks. I started my flock last April, and have lost none to predators. Yet. I doubt if anything but me could stop the furry ones. I have 3 guineas and 3 turkeys along with all the banties, and I credit them...
  18. rannug

    Work gloves for chicken keeping

    I like Cathcart leather gloves.
  19. rannug

    Freezing temps - should I keep chickens in coop?

    I'm not worried about the cold. I have surreptitious, three guineas, and about 14 banties in the main coop. They free range. The Tom was the only one who wasn't bothered by the snow. Eventually all the turkeys and guineas came out. None of the banties though. Their choice. I have put out...
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