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  1. Texashatching14

    Are these both hens?

    Hi. We rescued these 2 from an abuse case. We were told by the rescuers they were both pullets but I just want to make sure since I've never been very good at telling! Thank You! Also breeds, I'm assuming leghorn and naked neck? (Also they're only in this small run til quarantine is over then...
  2. Texashatching14

    Do you prefer barred rocks or dominiques?

    I'm looking at getting a couple new hens and was interested in these birds. Can someone tell me the differences between the two? Not looks wise, but personality wise? Our chickens are pets first and foremost so we're looking for friendly and less flighty. Thank you!
  3. Texashatching14

    Do you prefer barred rocks or dominiques?

    I'm looking at getting a couple new hens and was interested in these birds. Can someone tell me the differences between the two? Not looks wise, but personality wise? Our chickens are pets first and foremost so we're looking for friendly and less flighty. Thank you!
  4. Texashatching14

    Beginner turkey questions, are these toms or hens?

    Hello. I was recently considering adding some turkeys to my free range flock. Someone posted these turkeys for sale, but I am not well versed enough to tell male and female. And what breeds are they? Also the turkeys I get I would like to be as pets, so what are the friendliest breeds to get? I...
  5. Texashatching14

    Are these chicks Polish? What color will they end up as adults?

    Gi. These were all in the Polish bin at TSC. Im not great with identifying breeds. I can tell some of them are but what could the others be? Or are they polish too? What will they look like as adults based on their color now? Thank you!
  6. Texashatching14

    My chickens won't sleep in the coop

    I've noticed my chickens never sleep in the coop. Should I make them? Or just let them sleep where they want? They are free ranging in my backyard. I just let them go wherever they want. They go Into the coops during the day but at night they always sleep on my back steps or under a table.
  7. Texashatching14

    What breed is this small hen?

    Hi. I just got this hen today and the lady had no idea what she was. Shes about a year old and pretty small. She has heart patterns on her chest and fuzzy cheeks.
  8. Texashatching14

    Introducing new hens to my flock

    Hi y'all. I currently have 6 pullets. 5 silkies and 1 Cochin. I just got 3 new older hens. A sapphire, a naked neck, and an unknown smaller hen (any suggestions on her breed welcome!) So I have 2 separate yards and an extra little coop. It's really small but it's the only extra thing I have to...
  9. Texashatching14

    What breeds can I add with my silkies?

    Hi y'all. I have 5 silkie pullets and 1 Cochin. I'm noticing silkies aren't the best layers haha. So I'm looking to add 2 more hens, and maybe rehome a couple, or trade, ect. When looking, should I only look for bantams? Or can I add 2 full sized hens? That's all I'm seeming to find here.
  10. Texashatching14

    Would it be a bad idea to add one duck to my chicken flock?

    Someone is asking If I will take their duck, saying they'll just release it in the lake. Its a 3-4 month old pekin. But it would be the only one. I don't know if ducks can be happy as the only duck? I have 6 bantam pullets. 5 silkies and 1 Cochin. Do they eat the same things? I don't even have a...
  11. Texashatching14

    Is panting normal?

    I have 5 silkies and 1 cochin and they are constantly panting. I live in Texas and it is really hot here. I've given them shade with tarps and there's also trees they go under but even in the shade they're panting. I refill their water to make it cold every day and feed them frozen vegetables...
  12. Texashatching14

    Breed guesses on this cockerel?

    I live in the city and unfortunately can't have roosters. This little guy let out his first crow this morning so I'll be looking for a new home for him. I need to know what to advertise him as. I know he's silkie mix because he has black skin and 5 toes. He's 17-18 wks old. I have just never...
  13. Texashatching14

    Is this a rooster or a hen?

    Hi y'all. I'm thinking this bird is going to be a rooster. But I'm used to silkies and not knowing til later on so I'm not sure how other birds progress. I'm not sure what breed it is. It's got 5 toes, hairy feet, frizzled white feathers, and light skin. It's about 17-18 weeks old.
  14. Texashatching14

    What genders are these silkies?

    I know its technically too early to tell but i have to start narrowing down my keepers so im going to at least TRY for hens lol. Does anyone want to take any guesses? I labeled them by color. Also one is not a silkie. Guesses for breed and sex of that one too are welcomed. Its frizzled and has 5...
  15. Texashatching14

    Breed and gender of this chick?

    Hi, I am wondering if anyone has any ideas what breed this chick is? Its about a month old. It was from the bantam bin at tractor supply. I was thinking cochin since its frizzled, but it has 5 toes on each foot. I'm pretty new to chickens so I'm unsure. Any guesses on gender as well, and why...
  16. Texashatching14

    What kind of silkie is this?

    I got some silkies from tractor supply and was wondering what type this one is. It's a lot bigger than all the others. Is it a buff? Do buffs have the black stripes on their feathers? I feel like it's neck is really long too but that may just be an awkward phase lol.
  17. Texashatching14

    Could this chick be frizzle? Breed?

    Hi, I got a couple chicks from the bantam bin at a feed store and noticed this one is getting weird feathers. Its a little over a week old, 5 toes, hairy legs, and seemingly white feathers. Any ideas?
  18. Texashatching14

    Where to get a brooder tank

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew of the cheapest place to get a tub for a brooder tank for my week old chicks. Right now im just using a box but ill need something bigger as they grow. Thanks!
  19. Texashatching14

    Any idea on breed?

    Hi, i just got 5 chicks out of the assorted bantam bin at tractor supply. He said theyre about a week old. Any idea on breed? And when ill be able to tell gender ? Ill add a front and side view of each bird
  20. Texashatching14

    How to store/keep eggs? My first chickens laid eggs.

    Hi. This might be a dumb question but this is my first time owning chickens and I've never dealt with it before! I have 2 pet 6 month old barred rock girls and they've recently just laid their first eggs. I am not sure when the first two happened, I just looked in the dog house yesterday and...
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