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  1. Brickwood


    Scary stuff! In the last two months I have read about two houses completely burned down in our area down because of brooder heat lamp failures. Don't know what their set up was, but I'm glad we've turned the lamp off even though I trusted DH's set up. We'll leave chicks in the house for...
  2. Brickwood

    have a fly problem, this really helped me out!! Pic

    We're new to chickens so I don't know how this works outside but to keep the flies out of the house we hang a ziploc sandwich bag with a penny in it over the sliding door leading to our deck which we like to keep open during the summer. It is really amazing, but it works. I have only had a...
  3. Brickwood

    what age do you put your chicks outside

    I want my four babies out of my house too! (5-6 weeks) Not that I don't love them, but I think they'd be much happier outside in the coop (when it's finished) and I know I could do without all the dust. I'm looking at them kind of like my tomatos and am trying to "harden them off" like I do...
  4. Brickwood

    Where do you keep your brooders?

    So great to hear all your stories. First time chicken owner here and we're having a blast. We have 4 chicks 5-6 weeks old in our family room. I too wondered what all the fuss over the dust was about - - until about three weeks ago! I really need to get these girls out of the house. We've...
  5. Brickwood

    Imminent Death or normal chick behavior??

    Well I'm totally new to all this but I put my new chicks right in shavings and they've done okay so far. They definitely peck at the shavings but don't seem to eat them and they really love digging around. The oldest 2 are almost two weeks, I got one on Monday and just finished my little flock...
  6. Brickwood

    Normal Chick behavior

    I was wondering the same thing and found this on Youtube which made me feel much better....
  7. Brickwood

    How do I get pasty butt off?

    One of my chicks got pasty butt and I ran her little behind under a very slow stream of warm water while gentley working to get the hard, crusty stuff to dissolve and come off easily. It took 5 or ten minutes and I got her back end fairly wet but she dried out pretty quickly once I put her back...
  8. Brickwood

    New to chickens? how many are you starting with?

    This will be our first venture into the world of chickens and in our town the limit is 3. We're going to get 4 just in case so we may end up with one stealth chicken. We have two so far, a Delaware and a Speckled Sussex. They are a week old and doing great so far although I did have to clean...
  9. Brickwood


    Hey there Washingtonians - Newbie here - We just got our first 2 chicks yesterday; a Speckled Sussex and and Delaware. We're in Edmonds, WA which just changed the ordinance late last year to allow 3 hens (I hope I'm understanding correctly). We're planning on getting one more but wanted 3...
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