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  1. I love my ducks34

    How to raise wood ducks?

    Hello! My friends recently rescued 3 baby wood ducks! They are trying to find a place to take them, but in the meantime, anyone know how to care for them? Thank you!
  2. I love my ducks34

    Anyone know anything about gerbils?

    Hi, I have 2 gerbils I'm trying to introduce to each other. I'm doing the split cage method and switch them in their cages every day so the get used to each others scent. But while Fleck (my older gerbil) seems interested in Cole, every time they look at each other through the bars, Cole tries...
  3. I love my ducks34

    Mallard ducklings flipping over and dying

    Ok, so this hasn't ever happened to me, but my dad's family used to hatch mallard ducklings. Over time they hatched a lot of baby ducklings but only one batch survived. The other ducklings would flip over on their backs and die. So this isn't an emergency, just an unsolved mystery, and if it's...
  4. I love my ducks34

    Help!!! One of my mallard duck eggs pipped and its only day 22

    So, today I was turning eggs and I thought I felt something move in one of two of them but I didn't thing much of it. Later, when I was going to turn eggs again, one of them pipped. Not much but it definitely did. Should I start lockdown?
  5. I love my ducks34

    Where to order coturnix quail in NY

    Hi, I'm interested in acquiring some Coturnix quail, but I can't find a good place to order from. I've never ordered birds before so any info would be helpful, thanks!
  6. I love my ducks34

    Thinking of getting a gerbil

    Hey guys, this is rather unrelated to poultry, but I'm thinking of getting a gerbil. I've had mice before, but any advice?
  7. I love my ducks34

    Do ducks have abstract feelings?

    Hi guys, I know this is a really silly question, but I'm asking you for your opinion on this question. Do ducks have abstract feelings such as love, sorrow, humor, etc? I have 8 ducks, and I just wanna know your opinion. Thanks!:pop
  8. I love my ducks34

    Thinking of hatching quail, any info?

    I raise both chickens and ducks, and now I am thinking about starting a flock of quail. I would wait until at least may to hatch them, but I like to research ahead of time. So any information about raising quail, pro or con, would be great, thanks!
  9. I love my ducks34

    Great blue heron can't fly

    So, we have a pond nearby were I've been seeing a blue heron through the summer. Yesterday I went down there and saw him (or her) instead of lifting his majestic wings and gracefully flying away he just splashed away. Worried, I approached him cautiously agian, and he just stumbled away. I...
  10. I love my ducks34

    Broody blue swedish duck!!!❤❤❤❤

    The same day a fox (or coyote) took away FOUR of our drakes, our blue swedish duck decided to start incubating. They will be half swedish and half KC. So when they hatch, will i be feeding them all, including the mother, chick starter? And lastly, will Ping (our drake) bother the ducklings?
  11. I love my ducks34

    Ducklings hatched!!❤❤

    Finally, 2 ducklings hatched last night at supper! they were supposed to hatch sunday, but they decided to hatch Thursday, late.
  12. I love my ducks34

    Brood chicken

    So, today I found out that my barred rock chicken has decided she would like to raise a family. Now I wouldn't mind putting a few duck eggs underneath her, (We don't need more chickens) but we need the eggs. Does anyone know how to stop her from being broody?
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