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  1. Rachel'sFlock

    Amazed by natural instinct

    My peeps are 5 days old, and their skills have expanded from being able to find their feeder and waterer on day 2 to all of them being proficient in "foraging" (scratching and pecking feed off the floor of their brooder, prefering to scratch it up than eat it out of the feeder) and all using the...
  2. Rachel'sFlock

    Back in the Game, after almost a year with no chooks!

    Just picked up 9 day-old peeps at the feed store. 8 BAs and an Americauna (easter egger). Crossing my fingers for blue eggs :) It is marvelous to be back after such a long time with no chickens. I have missed them terribly. But at least I remember how to do this!!! I have missed you lot and am...
  3. Rachel'sFlock

    Flying the coop!

    My husband took the first steps in converting an old garage into a new coop for my flock of 17. All of them have grown up in the teeny little playhouse coop we have been using for the past 3 years. Owing to diligence in keeping enough roost space, adding numbers slowly and via broodies, and the...
  4. Rachel'sFlock

    Best Week EVER!!!

    My ladies gave me 80 eggs last week! Most eggs in a week record. In other news, I sold 6 dozen, also a new record! I get $4 for the large eggs the new girls lay and $5 a dozen for the mega jumbos my 2 and 3 year olds lay. Great time to be on the farm!!!!
  5. Rachel'sFlock

    Hens fight back against hunger in our community

    Today I discovered that our local food pantry is allowed to accept donations of back yard farm eggs, so our girls are going to help battle hunger! Just one more amazing thing chickens can do!!! If you have more eggs than you can use or sell, consider looking in to donating them to a food bank...
  6. Rachel'sFlock

    Black Australorp roo over California White hen???

    Has anyone ever had this cross before? I have 2 egg-a-day CWs and a flock of Aussies. I am wondering what a cross between the 2 breeds would result in. Anyone had any experience with this mix? I realize CWs are already a mix of breeds, resulting in the production of leghorns with mellower...
  7. Rachel'sFlock

    Looking for pure Black Australorp Breeding Stock in Oregon

    Can anyone point me in the direction of a reputable breeder of Black Australorps in Oregon, or Washington? I would love to have some quality utility birds, though show quality specs are of little consequence to me. Am attempting to improve a sustainable flock. Thanks in advance!
  8. Rachel'sFlock

    Lincoln/Tillamook County, Oregon thread

    Any fellow chicken-keepers in the 541-503??? I am central coast, east of Lincoln City a mile or so. I raise and keep Black Australorps.
  9. Rachel'sFlock

    *sob* I had to buy eggs.

    My egg production is at an all-time low, and last night, I actually had to buy eggs. Not a high point in my chicken career.
  10. Rachel'sFlock

    A question of egg color

    Can anyone tell me if there is a difference in the color of eggs laid by Black Australorps and those laid by a Lavender Orp? I have BAs both hen and roo, and am thinking of getting some lavs. The color is so beautiful! But I am wondering if I will know whose eggs are whose when it comes to...
  11. Rachel'sFlock

    Werewolf attack...

    ...ok...not a werewolf... but I did watch a huge coyote come up out of the forest and snag one of my hens, this morning, right before my eyes. I couldn't believe its size and speed. It was like Jacob from Twilight grabbing one of my girls. The one I saw him grab has escaped and survived, but one...
  12. Rachel'sFlock

    California Whites

    Was wondering if there is already a California Whites thread in the breeds section? I looked high and low and can't find one. Are many keeping CWs here, on BYC? Would love to dish a bit about them with folks who have experience. Mine are my first and they are 2.5 weeks old. They have grown and...
  13. Rachel'sFlock

    Yellow Jacket Stings

    Greetings all.... I know this is only marginally chicken-related, but in my preparations to process a roo, this morning, I disrupted a yellow jacket nest and was stung 6 times. They burn like fire and swell like a big bruise. Besides baking soda paste and damp tea bags and benadryl, does anyone...
  14. Rachel'sFlock

    Is there an AustraWhite section in the Breeds section???

    Looking for information on this new hybrid I have discovered- Black Australorp Father over White Leghorn Mother- is this correct? Where do I find more information on this interesting mix?
  15. Rachel'sFlock

    Are AustraWhite chicks sex-linked?

    Or are all the chicks yellow with black speckles like a California White?
  16. Rachel'sFlock

    A bloody long month on the farm...

    Starting to feel like I need a holiday! 2 weeks ago I realized my 2 roos were never going to get along, and the hens couldn't take them both, so I processed one. The same week I had a 2 year old hen go broody for the first time. I gave her some eggs, solved the nest-sharing dilemma and got her...
  17. Rachel'sFlock

    Hen hurting

    Hyacinth the hen has been pretty well beaten up, lately. She has some signs of overbreeding ( I have cut back from 2 roos to one in the past couple of weeks, but the remaining roo fancies her, especially), as well of being at the beginning of her molt. She has taken to limping the past couple of...
  18. Rachel'sFlock

    Free Black Australorp Rooster 9 months old

    My second rooster, Perseus, has become aggressive towards his Father, my flock Father. I need to get rid of him immediately! He is gentle with the hens (for a boy his age) and is timid, but not fearful, with people. He one of two home-brooded chicks and I am sick to have to let him go, but I...
  19. Rachel'sFlock

    On a paying basis

    For the first time since I got the first 6 week-old pullets (May 2011), my chickens actually pay for their own feed. I now have a steady supply of pretty brown eggs and a steady buyer happy to pay for "real eggs"! Hooray! Time for more chickens!!!
  20. Rachel'sFlock

    Processing by the moon?

    Does anyone who regularly processes their own meat have a preference, idea or even superstition about butchering specifically in a particular moon phase? In my farmyard I do everything else by the moon, but don't really know which is preferable for this process. Waxing would promote more...
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