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  1. Clucknut

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Planted a row of banana plants along the south side of the new run and coop I'm building. After a couple of hurricanes there's too much sky and not enough shade. I also planted marigolds at Beagle Sadie's grave. She is missed.
  2. Clucknut

    Lee County Florida, Changing Attitudes and Ordinances

    No expert here, by any means. I've done and am sure I still do plenty of things wrong. I manage to keep a few birds alive and collect some eggs. That's all. Feel free to private message me. I don't know anything about what it takes to change these things, but I am interested in helping it happen.
  3. Clucknut

    Lee County Florida, Changing Attitudes and Ordinances

    Hi y'all. I started keeping chickens about 40 years ago when we lived on agricultural acreage in southeast Fort Myers. My wife and I built a house out near the northeast corner of Lehigh 30 years ago and have been flying under the radar with a small backyard flock ever since. We've been lucky...
  4. Clucknut

    Introducing a roo?

    Sorry I asked a question, then flew the coop. I got sidetracked. Thanks for all the advise. I'll wait until they're laying, then consider getting a mature rooster. I haven't kept one in years, and I miss the entertainment.
  5. Clucknut

    Introducing a roo?

    Any thoughts on introducing a rooster into a flock of pullets? My current flock is a mixture of NH Reds and Easter-Eggers. Not quite laying yet. I didn't get a roo when I picked these up as chicks and I like to have one. Surplus roosters are not hard to find. I'm just wondering if I'm looking...
  6. Clucknut

    Not a consistent poster, but long time member.

    Today, after checking the three Tractor Supply stores in my area, I came home with 8 pullet chicks. Nothing fancy, and nothing that I haven't had before. 4 Easter Eggers, and 4 "Reds." (Look like New Hampshire to me.) All look like they're a couple weeks old. Tonight, they're in the garage...
  7. Clucknut

    Not a consistent poster, but long time member.

    Thanks for making me feel welcome, Y'all! Turkeys, you say?
  8. Clucknut

    Not a consistent poster, but long time member.

    Works for me but... Mama wouldn't even go for peafoul. I tried.:rolleyes:
  9. Clucknut

    Not a consistent poster, but long time member.

    Hi, again. Been keeping small backyard flocks for close to 40 years. For eggs, I say. But mostly I'm just farmer at heart. Technically... I'm not zoned for chickens, so free-ranging isn't a good idea, but the other rednecks in my semi-rural, Southwest Florida neighborhood believe in live and let...
  10. Clucknut

    Bielefelders in the south?

    Thanks. I've seen 10'x10' shade tents available for cheap enough that lasting one summer would be justifiable. I did pick up 8 chicks last weekend at Rural King. Two pullets each of what they had on hand, Production Blue, Black Sex-link, Black Maran Sex-link, and Red Cross. All new breeds (or...
  11. Clucknut

    Bielefelders in the south?

    The bottom half of my A-frame is wire. I've rigged a sprinkler up to the top of it before, so that it runs down the sides. The birds will get in underneath to stay cool or play in the mud just outside. I had a nice shade tree over the run, but hurricane Irma took it out. I'll have to hang up a...
  12. Clucknut

    Bielefelders in the south?

    Thanks, both. Egg color isn't important to me. I'm thinking more about size and being flightless. Dual-purpose, maybe a meat breed that's a fair layer. It's just two of us we don't need more than a few eggs from about six hens. We're in the woods. Besides raccoons and the occasional bobcat...
  13. Clucknut

    Bielefelders in the south?

    Long time member but haven't posted in a long time. Please excuse me. :rolleyes: I lost the last of my Easter Eggers to raccoons this past spring. They dug under the coop and took them at night. I wasn't sure what it was but I finally found a print the morning after the last one...
  14. Clucknut

    Tell me about... goats.

    Thanks for the response. From, Ireland? My granny was a first US generation born, Kelly. :frow I hope our goat regulations here in Florida aren't as involved. Just like anything else, it takes a commitment. I won't jump in without being prepared and knowing what I'm getting myself into.
  15. Clucknut

    Tell me about... goats.

    Hi, I've been an infrequent poster for several years. I've kept small flocks of chickens for eggs, for about 35 years. I'm currently starting a new flock with six 3-week old Easter Eggers. They'll live secured in my ark with daly, supervised free range time. I love the Great horned Owls that...
  16. Clucknut

    Back Again! it's been a while... again.

    Thanks, both! "Undesirable"? I was thinking, overstock for TC = less time and work and worry for me. They're not your cute little puff-ball Easter peeps. That's for sure. They had those too. I went for the scruffy-stage ones that have survived peephood. These will be my fist Leghorns. I've...
  17. Clucknut

    Back Again! it's been a while... again.

    Thought I should start here, since I haven't posted in a couple years. (Has it been that long? ) Happy Easter weekend, everyone! And what's Easter without bunnies?... Here's the mamma, chowing down with her month-old, Florida White/Havana mix kits. And chicks, of course... Leghorn...
  18. Clucknut

    Hello, again.

    And happy first day of Spring! I spent the day working on a new chicken tractor for my 6, 3 or 4 week old RIR pullets. (Note to self: Keep it small this time.) I've come and gone from BYC a couple of times, and, well... I guess I'm back... If you'll have me. When I gave away my flock of OEGBs...
  19. Clucknut

    Pekin Duck Club!

    Sorry Open mouth, insert foot! So Now we know your tail feather in a curl You emailed me some pic's of your ducks but somehow I deleted the mail! I'm new to this and I don't know how to open my mail I guess so try again! I'm w/ you, your explaination of your ducks is just like mine....unless I...
  20. Clucknut

    Pekin Duck Club!

    LOL!... and you never will find "her"... This is "him", at your service. There is some speculation about my duck's genders, but I am completely sure about my own!
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