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  1. mljohnson05

    Boys VS Girls

  2. mljohnson05

    Rooster quit crowing, now weird sounds

    Easy way to check for Gape worms (BTW you will want 2 people for FIRST ~ check to make sure that you CANNOT see anything in his airway, throat, etc. next, take a Q-Tip and Gently pass it down to his throat.... Twist and rub it on the walls of his throat. Gently pull the Q-Tip back...
  3. mljohnson05

    Boys VS Girls

  4. mljohnson05

    Boys VS Girls

    think you meant 72 73!!!
  5. mljohnson05

    Boys VS Girls

  6. mljohnson05

    Rooster quit crowing, now weird sounds

    if you want to know an easy way to check for gapeworms, let me know or send me a message =)
  7. mljohnson05

    Rooster quit crowing, now weird sounds

    It sounds like he has a respiratory cold.... I have not heard this sound out of my chickens B4, so I am giving you a bump in hopes someone will chime in. God Bless, Laura Have you wormed him anytime soon, or perhaps checked for Gapeworms?
  8. mljohnson05

    Boys VS Girls

  9. mljohnson05

    Boys VS Girls

  10. mljohnson05

    Possibly egg-bound?

    Congrats....Post pictures of her... My chickens egg color have always varied slightly..... I would keep an eye out on her to make sure that she does not have troubles in the future (does not hurt to take precautions)...and warm soaks never hurt anyone =) My chicks love their soaks
  11. mljohnson05

    How and where for shots

    I do not have photos, but there is a good video on Youtube...however I guess you said you cannot view it? When I gave mine a shot, I had 2 ppl to do this (one to hold and 1 to do injection). there are several areas you can give it.... I suggest the back of the neck or the Breast. Make sure you...
  12. mljohnson05

    Sexing 4 Wyandotte chicks 2 week olds

    It is still pretty early to tell the sex of them... they need several more weeks to start showing their traits. the first picture, it looks a little red on the comb...but the rest of the photos are way to fuzzy to see clear enough. Wait a little and then take a full side view picture and a comb...
  13. mljohnson05

    Possibly egg-bound?

    if you feel a hard knot (egg shape) she may very well be egg bound I suggest bringing her in and soaking her bottom in very warm water...this will sometimes help relax them enough that they can push it out. You do not want to push on it, cause if you break the egg while inside her, you will...
  14. mljohnson05

    Is it time to cull her?

    if she is an internal layer, I would put her down if it was my hen.... I hate to see her suffer all the time
  15. mljohnson05

    What gender???

    Ya that is a ROO for sure. the tail and the point feathers all along the neck. Pretty though
  16. mljohnson05

    O.o what's this??

    the leghorn is to big for her, and be only one and her being small...he would end up hurting her. I raise bantams and silkies only....and i LOVE my OEGB Roo...he is very protective over his ladies and very nice with them too. My small OEGB roo took on a 35 pound racoon and survived..and NONE of...
  17. mljohnson05

    how to hatch different eggs together

    From my experience, all of those have about a 21 day hatch cycle...and had some go as long as 24 days. Remember that when buying hatch eggs offline, there are going to be many that will not hatch or make it (rate of hatching percent goes down when you buy them off line and not using your own...
  18. mljohnson05

    HELP!! What in The World Is Wrong With This Chicks Beak????

    Where did they get it from? has it gotten worse? How long have you had the little guy. My First instinct (cause in my be an animal attack, but does not appear to have other damage) is that it may be a FUNGAL infection). Keep the little guy isolated and watch the other birds, to make sure they...
  19. mljohnson05

    Boys VS Girls

  20. mljohnson05

    Did my chicken lay an egg?

    What type of pullet is she? Did you find an egg at all? It is perfectly normal for them to make noise when laying an egg. I have one that sounds like she is dying B4 she lays the egg, one that runs back and forth to the nest box and one tat does not make a sound at all. Just make sure that you...
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