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  1. Flowerbh

    Incubators Anonymous

    How hard are turkeys to raise with chickens?
  2. Flowerbh

    Incubators Anonymous

    You can open any brown egg and the inside of the shell is still white
  3. Flowerbh

    Incubators Anonymous

    I have one thing to comment on....when you use an EE to try to make OEs, you don't know the genetics of the rooster. He could be carrying a recessive white egg shell gene which means you won't get those olive greens. To make sure you get olives, you should choose a rooster who has the double...
  4. Flowerbh

    Incubators Anonymous

    OK, I have a question about cleaning my Styrofoam incubator after use..... how do you guys clean and sterilize your incubators? Is there a good way to clean all the motor parts? I have been hatching for years and this is the part I don't like! Just wondering what you guys use or method...
  5. Flowerbh

    Incubators Anonymous

    That one next to you is like a cat begging for some loving! So beautiful!
  6. Flowerbh

    Incubators Anonymous

    link didn't work. Can you send again?
  7. Flowerbh

    Incubators Anonymous

    So my hatch is over. Here is the results. I put 51 eggs in the incubator. Of those 51, only 17 were fertile! I bought some of those eggs for a lot of money. Luckily, the sellers checked and agreed with me about the fertility of their eggs. They have corrected the problem and I will be...
  8. Flowerbh

    Incubators Anonymous

    Oh my! I LOVE THEM ALL!
  9. Flowerbh

    Incubators Anonymous

    I just set 28 Runner Ducks and Runner Duck/mix duck eggs! I used to only have 4 out of 12 ducks hatch, but then I bought the flat turner and I've had 100% hatch with it! So 28 days from now, I will have all those cute (but messy!) ducklings running around until I can sell them! And, tomorrow...
  10. Flowerbh

    Incubators Anonymous

    Thought I’d send a picture of my Crested Cream Legbar Roo.
  11. Flowerbh

    Incubators Anonymous

    I had mentioned earlier that I had bought a dozen BLRW hatching eggs and none were fertile. I am excited to say that the seller was concerned and did his own test. He only had 2 fertile out of 10 eggs. He said he discovered his rooster had Pasty butt. Anyway, he is buying a new rooster that...
  12. Flowerbh

    Incubators Anonymous

    I love this!
  13. Flowerbh

    Incubators Anonymous

    Candled the 51 eggs in the incubator. Only 19 left! That includes the whole dozen BLRW I bought from a guy and 6 from another breeder. My eggs were only about 50-50. I think I need more roosters! I only have 3 to about 85 hens! LOL! I sold a few roosters last year knowing I would get a few...
  14. Flowerbh

    Incubators Anonymous

    Well, Bummer! The BLRW eggs I got to incubate (at $55/dozen) are doing NOTHING! Not one has the first vein! Ugh! So sad. From the other eggs I got at the Poultry show, all 4 Silver Laced Orpingtons and doing great! 4 of the 6 Blue Partridge Brahmas are going, but none of the 3 Jubilee...
  15. Flowerbh

    Incubators Anonymous

    So, went to the Poultry Show and got some hatching eggs....Jubilee Orpingtons, Silver Laced Orpingtons and Blue Partridge Brahmas. They will go in with the Blue Laced Red Wyandotte’s! I over filled the bator by 10 eggs. I figured a lot of my own eggs may not be fertile. I only have 3 roosters...
  16. Flowerbh

    Incubators Anonymous

    Heading to a Poultry Show tomorrow! They not only have judging, but lots of vendors with chicks, ducks, hatching eggs, etc! Can’t wait! My incubator is ready for some fun or interesting hatching eggs! I already have some BLRW eggs plus my colorful mixes! Hoping for some Swedish Flowers or...
  17. Flowerbh

    Incubators Anonymous

    I love my NNs! They are some of my best egg layers! And mine lay blue or green eggs! This is Penelope! This is Bindy! I have many more.....frizzled and smooth feathered! We think they are 'adorably ugly'! Love them!
  18. Flowerbh

    Incubators Anonymous

    Beautiful eggs. I am trying to get some from a guy in CT. His facebook is Fat Hen Farms. If he never answers, do you sell?
  19. Flowerbh

    Incubators Anonymous

    I'm not hatching anything yet, but, I WILL! I'm trying to get some hard to find eggs. Some of those almost black Marans eggs, some khaki colored (F2) olive eggs, and some really good quality Blue Laced Red Wyandottes and Blue Partridge Brahmas. (I found both of these last two are local, but...
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