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  1. N


    I've had chickens for about five years and had my first coon attack Sunday night/Monday morning. I had 12-15 juveniles that wouldn't coop up at night and lost three of them: one's head was gone and the other two looked fine. Consequently, I started cooping everyone up at night, even the ducks...
  2. N


    Actually, I was able to get them in their own kennel and they are now in the chicken run so that there will be fewer integration problems...and I can get rid of the extra roosters sooner too!
  3. N


    Back in April I bought 15 red sex links and they are doing well and already mixed in with the flock. I have two broodies in the coop, but I keep removing their eggs. Three girls hid their eggs and I now have 22 new chicks between the three of them!
  4. N


    Broodies anyone? I have two in the coop that don't have eggs under them. I have three hiding out. I found one nest and she had 16 eggs under her! I removed six eggs and put them under another broody and they both have hatched chicks now. I just found the third nest the other day and have no...
  5. N


    I'm from Coos Bay also!
  6. N


    Hey all you Washington neighbors...peeping/peaking is allowed! LOL!
  7. N


    I'm participating in the Easter Hatch and looking for any Salmon Fav, Buckeye and/or Barred Rock eggs in Oregon. I live in Coos Bay, so anything within a couple hours distance would be acceptable. I have my own barnyard mix eggs and getting some mix eggs from a co-worker, so I'm not desperate...
  8. N


    Zanna, are those Delaware chicks from Kathy? If so, she has some beautiful birds and congrats!!
  9. N


    Looking for any info on non hatchery Plymouth rock breeders in Oregon...preferably Barred or White.
  10. N


    CR, thanks for the warning - something similar happened to Aoxa and she lost everything too. It's good to have you back!!
  11. N


    X2! Love my EEs!
  12. N


    I have W/BW Ameraucana's from Pips&Peeps & Tailfeatherz lines, but unfortunately everybody's mixed together right now so no pure eggs.
  13. N


    Hi BGM and welcome!!
  14. N


    This is correct.
  15. N


  16. N


    Speaking of dog licenses...I was just at the Coos County Courthouse and saw a sign posted that a Fixed (altered) Dog License is only $10, but if they pick up your dog and you have to license said dog, it is a $490 fee!
  17. N


    Hi DaisyMeadow
  18. N


    It is exciting when the girls start laying!
  19. N


    We got 12 eggs on two of the last three days...woohoo!
  20. N


    Welcome and be warned...purchase of an incubator is one of the reasons how chicken math gets started! Incubating can be addicting! LOL!!
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