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  1. chickeemama

    IA here

    No sorry, by birds are BIG and BEAUTIFUL...(not bragging of course.)
  2. chickeemama

    IA here

    Welcome Niamh. I am just south east of Mason City, not far from Hoover's! I have always been happy with chicks I have ordered from Hoover's. I have 5 RIR hens from last year, that lay up a storm! I am also getting 50 broilers from them in a couple wks. One comment....GO TO WAVERLY SWAP! It is...
  3. chickeemama

    IA here

    I am in search of a WHITE BRESSE breeder in IA. I currently have 2 roos that I hatched from shipped eggs last summer - HUGE birds! I have a hen a bought the year before, but unfortunately she has never laid an egg! I would love to find a hen, these are beautiful birds.
  4. chickeemama

    IA here

    Anyone interested in chicks? I have Blue Lace Red Wyandotte and Marraduna Basque fuzzy butt babies - $4 straight run They are 1 wk old, a few 2 and 3 week old also. I am near Mason City, IA. PM if interested. Pics of the breeders
  5. chickeemama

    IA here

    ISO cream legbar chicks or hatching eggs. Does anyone have any for sale or would be willing to trade fertile eggs with me. I have 5 different purebred breeds. Please PM me if you have Cream Legbars.
  6. chickeemama

    IA here

    Can anyone confirm? Looks like the Waverly exotic swap is being moved to Waverly Sale barn. Anybody have any specifics? We always go the night before, the Antique Acres was so nice for that, not sure if we will able to do that there?
  7. chickeemama

    IA here

    I have BLRW, lovely ones. I have 4 hens, but they are not laying consistently yet. They were just separated into breeding pens 2 wks ago so hopefully they will start laying a bit better soon. I will hatch chicks or I will also sell fertile eggs. I am in north central iowa, near Mason City. PM me...
  8. chickeemama

    IA here

    Time to get Iowa back on the map here! I am starting to get chicken fever, I will be separating my birds in to breeding cages in a couple of weeks. I have lavender orps that I have raised for several years, I am in search of a Black Orpington rooster, English type. Also in search of Chocolate...
  9. chickeemama

    IA here

    I am planning on going to the Waverly Swap this weekend. Anyone else going???? Looking for a French Bresse hen. I have a rooster and he is getting very pretty, would really like to have a pair. If anyone is bringing them let me know. I will be bringing 2 Lavender Ameracauna hens and 3...
  10. chickeemama

    IA here

    I have 5 young Euskal Oiloa Basque roos I would like to rehome. They are 12 - 16 wks old. Awesome breed, very friendly and curious, not to mention beautiful. Here are pics of the parent stock. PM if you are interested, I am located near Mason City. I can take more pics of the youngsters if needed.
  11. chickeemama

    IA here

    OK fellow Iowans, I am looking for Chocolate Orpingtons, does anybody have them for sale? I am looking for the large fowl variety. Had some eggs lines up on a swap but the person on the other end of the trade stiffed me! I am interested in making a trade for chicks or buying outright. If anyone...
  12. chickeemama

    IA here

    I have also had problems on Craigslist with one individual from Kensett who sets up a time and then does not show, twice now. Hopefully he is not silly enough to respond to my adds again.. Just my 2 cents!
  13. chickeemama

    IA here

    Hi vjunebug, I no longer live in Marion, but I grew up there and even graduated from Marion High in '78! Small world. I now live near Mason City and raise chickens, turkeys, and have a host of other critters! Welcome to BYC....wonderful site. You can learn sooooooooo much on this site, but be...
  14. chickeemama

    IA here

    I too am going to the Waverly/Antique Acres this next weekend. I too hope there is a good turnout. It was good this spring, and the weather had not been good, too cold for much of anything, but still people turned out. This is the first time having it in June, so hopefully people will catch on...
  15. chickeemama

    IA here

    I have 3 1/2 doz assorted purebred eggs that I have collected over the last 4 days if anybody is interested in filling up there bator. I have 15 lav. ameracauna, 13 BLRW, 4 Marraduna Basque, 5 RIR, 1 lav. orp If you! can come get them by tomorrow I will make you a deal on the whole lot of them...
  16. chickeemama

    IA here

    Does anyone on here happen to know who the guy is that sells great numbers of baby chicks at the Waverly swap? If I remember correctly he sold them out of the back of a very large white trailer. He was not there this time I don't believe I don't know the guys name. I believe his hatchery was...
  17. chickeemama

    IA here

    I made it to the "Waverly" swap. Very nice day.. no mud! Good turnout, I don't think as many as last year, but it was kind of early and we had such a tuff winter, but in all lots of choices....not so many chicks. I did buy a pair of really nifty chickens....Maraduna Basque, they are beautiful. I...
  18. chickeemama

    IA here

    Any one going to the Waverly Swap this Sunday? I am looking for a peahen. I have a peacock that is 3 years old now and quite the beauty, he needs a girlfriend. I have had bad luck keeping my girls.
  19. chickeemama

    IA here

    I am only just starting to get a few eggs now, not enough to collect and incubate for the Waverly swap, this will be the first year I haven't taken any chicks in many years. This cold weather just doesn't seem to give us a break and the swap is earlier this year. To top it off we are going on...
  20. chickeemama

    IA here

    Checked out your site, VERY NICE! We also have a mutual friend that recommended your site to me, Sandi S. (quilting shed). I live between Mason and Nora Springs. I too used to raise the BW Ameraucanas, sold out of them in exchange for starting my Lavender Ameraucanas - it was a chicken math thing!
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