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  1. dheltzel


    I have eggs incubating now. Fertility is not great yet, but some are developing. Cream Legbars Welbars Black Copper Marans Black Frizzle cochin bantams Genetic Hackle Mille Fleur Leghorns (LF, not bantams) Australian Spotted ducks (bantam)
  2. dheltzel


    The Legbars are $25 - 30, depending on size and quality. Chicks vary by breed, ranging from $6 to $20. Sexed female chicks (Cream Legbars, Welbars, Bielefelders) are more than the breeds I can't sex (Ameraucanas of various colors) since you would have to buy extras of those to get the number of...
  3. dheltzel


    I have Cream Legbar pullets now and will have lots of chicks starting in January.
  4. dheltzel


    I have a large NH roo, from the German strain, not hatchery stock. I'm outside of Philly, so depending on where you are, it might be too far. edit: He's very mellow and lives with another roo and a bunch of hens. He could easily hurt someone given his size, but he's always been a gentleman.
  5. dheltzel


    Beware of buying chicks that are cheap. I often give away the males and make sure people know they are males, but perhaps not everyone is as concerned about their reputation.
  6. dheltzel


    I grew up outside Uniontown and went to Westminster often. I live outside Philly now, but travel back to the area to visit relatives.
  7. dheltzel


    I hatched and sold guineas last year -- too much aggravation compared to chickens to do it again. But I always warned the buyers to be sure they could tolerate their racket and general stupidity. If you have never had guineas before, please look up some videos on youtube and play them -- at a...
  8. dheltzel


    Yup, lots of chicken people up in this area too. If you ever get up here, contact me for chicks. I don't have a minimum and have Welsummers (from Whitmore stock) hatching most of the time (they are very popular around here).
  9. dheltzel


    For Welsummers (and Marans, Ameraucanas, and Delawares) I highly recommend Whitmore Farm in Thurmont. Wil is a local breeder and his stock is far, far better quality than the hatchery chicks you get at Bowmans (or any feedstore). The hatchery stock may lay better, but likely not very dark in...
  10. dheltzel


    You have mixed up your "rule of thumbs". That is the (suggested) maximum number of hens per roo to ensure fertile eggs in flock mating. I (and many other breeders) have done pair mating with no damage to the hen (physical or psychological). The problem with a high male to female ratio is that...
  11. dheltzel


    I have some nice 2 month old pullets that I'd like to sell. Should come into lay in early spring. I'd keep them to sell then if I had more room, and might just have to squeeze them in somewhere. They are Black Sexlinks that lay blue eggs (true black Am as the sire) and Welsummers. I really like...
  12. dheltzel


    I have lots of CCL chicks and I travel down to Carroll County MD from time to time. PM me if traveling to either Carroll Co or Chester Co, PA is close enough to consider.
  13. dheltzel


    I'm in SE PA and 3 of my 4 hens have been laying for about 6 weeks, one only about 2 eggs per week. These are all 2 year old hens, yearlings might not start as early.
  14. dheltzel


    Depends where you are in MD, but I have Marans chicks up here in Pottstown, PA. My stock originally came from Whitmore, and I have their Welsummers too. PM me if you think it's a workable trip.
  15. dheltzel


    I've never had a problem with a silkie roo joining a flock of hens, even older, "crotchety" ones, the roo gets down to business immediately and the hens fall right in line. But I wouldn't add a silkie hen to an existing flock of LF hens/roos, they are too meekly mannered, in my experience.
  16. dheltzel


    Do you have signs that mark your woods as private property and "No Trespassing"? That would not deter everyone, but would give you a stronger position if someone tried to sue over anything, since they'd have to admit to criminal activity to do so. Maybe you could charge for access to the...
  17. dheltzel


    Unfortunately, in our "lawsuit crazy" land, a big dog would be an attractive nuisance, like a pool, and you'd have to fence even higher to be sure the kids couldn't get to him. It's frustrating, but any effort improve things will likely be more expensive and/or risky than just accepting some...
  18. dheltzel


    Welded wire does not electrify well, you should put a strand of wire made for electric fences up for that. It should be set off a few inches from the wire so it won't ground out against it. The welded wire provides a good visual barrier and the electrified wire would be the "enforcer" for...
  19. dheltzel


    Thank you, I value your observations. At what age can the Ark Blues be sexed reliably? That's what I dislike about BBS Ameracaunas, they take so long to sex that I end up putting a lot of feed into cockerels. Sounds like you need to do something about that fox!
  20. dheltzel


    I was wondering, for blue eggs (color, size and number), do you think the Arkansas Blues or Cream Legbars are better?
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