I have 10 Delaware cockerels from Whitmore Farm that are almost 8 weeks old if you want one/some. I am in the DC/Baltimore metro area (sort of- Mount Airy, MD). They are all slated for the dinner table unless one is outstanding in growth.
Anyone know where I could find a good quality New Hampshire Red male/cockerel/rooster? I am looking for a quick growing large bodied male to cross with my Delaware hens to make some sex-links where the males will be a bit better for the table. I currently have a production red roo but he is small and starting to 'give me the eye' so I foresee the stew pot in his future. Thought maybe I would try a New Hampshire for their larger bodies and hopefully a bit better temperament than a production RIR.
Anyone know where I could find a good quality New Hampshire Red male/cockerel/rooster? I am looking for a quick growing large bodied male to cross with my Delaware hens to make some sex-links where the males will be a bit better for the table. I currently have a production red roo but he is small and starting to 'give me the eye' so I foresee the stew pot in his future. Thought maybe I would try a New Hampshire for their larger bodies and hopefully a bit better temperament than a production RIR.

I have a large NH roo, from the German strain, not hatchery stock. I'm outside of Philly, so depending on where you are, it might be too far.

edit: He's very mellow and lives with another roo and a bunch of hens. He could easily hurt someone given his size, but he's always been a gentleman.
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how much will you be selling them for?

The Legbars are $25 - 30, depending on size and quality.
Chicks vary by breed, ranging from $6 to $20. Sexed female chicks (Cream Legbars, Welbars, Bielefelders) are more than the breeds I can't sex (Ameraucanas of various colors) since you would have to buy extras of those to get the number of pullets you want. My contact info is below. PM me if you want more info. Sometimes I travel to Carroll County and have brought chicks with me for customers. That would be a lot closer for you, but might take some patience to work out the timing.
Hey everyone - Just curious as to what Marylander's interest was had with purchasing Cream Legbars, BBS Ameraucanas, or Creole Cream Legbars (CLB over Welsummer Olive Eggers) next spring? I'm not NPIP certified, but am MDA registered back yard flock. This would be small scale, probably hatching 50 or so chicks every few weeks. I'm a hobbist and LOVE hatching eggs - just cant keep all the chicks LOL . Thanks for the feedback! Here are a few pics of my birds - Welsummer Roo, CLB Hen, and Blue Ameraucana Hen




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