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  1. gilcamp4

    Coop pics****

    ok we are done with coops and runs, the middle is the run for winter and bad weather when hey can not come out, there will be a door from both coops into run, of course they have the fenced in yard to run in good weather. d is out there now putting the roof on, I painted it this morning, may...
  2. gilcamp4

    Coop pics****

    here is our finished yard and coops we have 58 chickens some to young to lay and dh said he thinks 3 are roos, I may keep 1 the rest will go, the floor between the 2 coops is going to be a run from both coops that way in bad weather they have room to move around the run is going to have a old...
  3. gilcamp4

    Coop pics****

    your welcome, yes i lock mine in coops at night to, can not free range, would love too just once to see what they would do, but we have a mean next door who would just get one at a time and have free dinner. so we made this bog yard for them, they have just as much room as some yards, its 30 x 60.
  4. gilcamp4

    Coop pics****

    very nice love the colors but you should use the other fence this fence is a waste all it is good for is keeping your chickens in not keeping wild animals out, dogs, foxes all most any animal can get in to get at your chickens
  5. gilcamp4

    Coop pics****

    here is our just finished coop, now we have 2 coops one made from old camper and this one the run is now 30 x 60 and we have 58 chickens, all stated with one fell from a truck and was in the snow so i made dh go back and get it. had to have partner so we go 20 very nice chickens, but someone...
  6. gilcamp4

    Coop pics****

    my new coop working on fence now, it will go up to the top of the posts, i was out there connecting top fence to bottom which is a 5 ft fence but by the time we put it in the ground it is about 3 1/2, we are adding to the top. it s just to hot to be out there, dh is working on it but i am about...
  7. gilcamp4

    Coop pics****

    what are you useing in the coop
  8. gilcamp4

    Coop pics****

    oh my god we have the same thing in our camper coop we got this for 13.00 it is 3 high 6 long
  9. gilcamp4

    Coop pics****

    here is our new coop, can not wait to move half of them in, still need to do the roost and nest boxes, finish the yard and do the run, but run will not be done when we move them in as they have the yard to run in it is 30" by 30" the other yard is the same, we will be fixing the old one up on...
  10. gilcamp4

    Coop pics****

    it is the little one that came out white with black not sure what it is, oh you got the free one, i ordered some got 15 and one odd one but mine did not live long, 2 days was cute i am upset because i have to order again to get the 2 they owe me, and since i hatched some i do not need to get any...
  11. gilcamp4

    Coop pics****

    here is my new coop for the peepsthis coop is gonig to have a run on the side for bad weather, if dh likes it then i will get him to add it to the camper coop, going to put most of the chickens together today they need to run had 23 in screen room and 28 in coop so now we have 56 as we also...
  12. gilcamp4

    Coop pics****

    I was just told the new coop will be up so they can get under it and the run inside the yard also fixed so they can go under it, we have a yard 35 by 35 and the coop will have a run hugged to it then the yard so they will run the whole thing and still have a place to go if we have another winter...
  13. gilcamp4

    Coop pics****

    I use pine needles from our side yard, coop smells like Christmas, we use pine chips for babys, we have a camper someone gave us 27' but that has 22 chickens in it and we have 23 peeps to house now, so we have started a new one right now we have peeps in our screen house with a small run. our...
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