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  1. jonezjollyfarm

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    Ok I have a dumb question that's not really first egg related. Is a hen cape and saddle the same thing? I was searching for saddle patterns and happened upon "hen capes". They look like someone scalped the back of a chicken. Are they ment to be used like a saddle?
  2. jonezjollyfarm

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    I told mine we were going to start having egg laying seminars if they didn't start laying... they apparently didn't want to attend my seminars because they started laying lol
  3. jonezjollyfarm

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    Leghorns are pushy little things. I have 1 and she ruled my flock, till they all realized they are bigger them she is. She's still the boss she just doesn't get as pushy.
  4. jonezjollyfarm

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    Yeah I was convinced I had a rooster too till I got 8 egg and I have 8 pullets. And that was earlier this week. My girls are like 26 weeks or something like that.
  5. jonezjollyfarm

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    I had buff chicken for a brief time (until my dumb butt dog killed them all) and they were much larger than the flock I have now ever was. They are on my list of birds to get when I get a larger coop. Along with just about every other type lol I'll have a chicken barn by the time I'm done
  6. jonezjollyfarm

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    Lol that's what I thought. How'd they get that doggie to sit still and not eat them eggs.
  7. jonezjollyfarm

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    Are they on your dog's belly? Lol what are they laying on?
  8. jonezjollyfarm

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    I got a few that do that. I think they like to watch me come a runnin like a fool. Then I tell them they are fakers and the sing some more. Bunch a comedians.
  9. jonezjollyfarm

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    So I have gotten quite a few soft shells... and it seems like they come in twos... can they lay 2 eggs at one time? I always check the roost in the morning when I let them out because that's where I usually find them. Well this morning I was in a hurry because I was running late and our farm cat...
  10. jonezjollyfarm

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    I know the feeling. I have 1 in my flock that is holding out. Not 100% on who but I've narrowed it down to my small rir or my big br. I spend a lot of time with then an have never seen either of them in the boxes. But out of 4 brown layers I got 3 brown ones today (well 1 brown 1 peachy and 1...
  11. jonezjollyfarm

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    I have 3 ee's or americanas and 2 lay blue and 1 lays green. The barred rocks and Rhode Island red lay the pink eggs. Well I have 2 of each and one of each lays a pink and the other a brown... goofs
  12. jonezjollyfarm

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    The squawking and bocking they do after they lay an egg. Or in my birds case just for funzies to see me come running to the coop looking like a fool when there is no eggs.
  13. jonezjollyfarm

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    Mine act really weird before they lay a soft shell. Real slow and sit on the ground a lot. Then after its out right back to normal. I think I linked fresh sweet corn to ours laying soft shells. The day after they eat it I always get soft shells for 2 or 3 days after. And if I remove it from...
  14. jonezjollyfarm

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    Not exactly how much they eat and drink but I know when someone is eating or drinking less. I can almost tell who will lay the next day by the size of their crull each day. I'm currently working with one if my pullets who has decided she is confused about the egg laying process and is in the...
  15. jonezjollyfarm

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    I think ours may have come from McMurray based solely on that's the brooder kits they had. I really need to go ask them where they came from. Then I can contact the hatchery and let them know what's good. And what's not so good. Then maybe then can adjust something in the breeding. I mean if...
  16. jonezjollyfarm

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    Im thinking it may be a genetic defect. Our came from a hatchery I'm assuming. We got them at the hardware store. I don't know so much that I like the idea of hatcheries because I know nothing about the parents or grandparents. How they were treated or anything. Anyway I'm hoping things...
  17. jonezjollyfarm

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    I know. I have serious ocd. I spend entirely too much time with my flock. If I'm not working or sleeping I'm observing my flock. Doing poo checks checking the water consumption of each bird. I have a journal and log eggs into my calendar. I have a problem!
  18. jonezjollyfarm

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    My EE (or americanas as that's what they were sold to us as) have had some issues too. One couldn't pass her first egg and we had to jump in the help her long... it was textured. Anothers first egg was gigantic then she laid normally for about a week and a half now she keeps laying softys. I was...
  19. jonezjollyfarm

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    Question. Blood in an egg? My layers are new is that normal? We had given some eggs to someone my dad works with... that I personally candled and she said she candled then and one had blood in it... I didn't actually see it so maybe she is crazy. I read online that it means the eggs is extra...
  20. jonezjollyfarm

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    Right! I stopped keeping track... if I don't know I don't have to feel guilty about it!
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