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  1. weaveagarden

    Coffee's ready...

    Holly. I just reread my post above. I hope you are aware that the whole thing was in jest. Not just the last part. I LOVE my neighbors to the near north and all points east and west of that of that!
  2. weaveagarden

    Coffee's ready...

    Quote: Oh, well that explains a lot. You know those Canadians, always causing trouble. And they are so different from us in the states. Their culture is just intolerable. And now chickens. We know better than that here.
  3. weaveagarden

    Coffee's ready...

    I have already had a giant cup of coffee and am about to start my second. Cold coffee with lots of milk this AM. Cinnamon Toast with it! Karl - As I get older I have a different perspective on things. I have come to recognize that when it comes to girls, it really is more about the time a...
  4. weaveagarden

    Coffee's ready...

    Quote: Thanks for the tip Opa. I have been trying to justify buying a weed burning torch for my garden. One more use for it. It is almost in the cart. Good Morning All. We were threatened to have showers all day today. And high winds, thunder and lightning over night. I woke up today to...
  5. weaveagarden

    Coffee's ready...

    They do manage to peck their way under your skin and right into your heart don't they. Well, night all. Have a great one!
  6. weaveagarden

    Coffee's ready...

    My day was unfortunately the first D-day for me.... I had to cull a cockerel. I am hoping to sell the rest of the little buggers before they get too crow-y. The rest of the day was pleasant a mix of downpours and sunshine. Typical weather here on the coast in Washington state. I can't wait...
  7. weaveagarden

    Coffee's ready...

    I just finished a cup o' my favorite blackberry fizzy drink. But I am about ready for a nice glass of White Zin' I hope that will qualify. Just a kid, you are, Holly O.
  8. weaveagarden

    Coffee's ready...

    I know what you mean. My son (the one and only child) turned 33 this year. I am pretty sure I was only 5 when he was born.
  9. weaveagarden

    Coffee's ready...

    Quote: Well, Opa. I just have to chime in here and say, leave the Sam pictures alone. I much prefer the real thing. A much kinder face, and more real to life. If you lived closer to some of us, well you get the idea!
  10. weaveagarden

    Coffee's ready...

    Quote: It really is so much more fun looking into a face that has character than one that looks like it hasn't experienced anything. Beauty has been so skewed by the media that we don't know it when it is staring us in the face, often from our own mirror. edited for spelling
  11. weaveagarden

    Coffee's ready...

    Since coffee is the subject.... I started roasting my own a few years back. I am so hooked. It take about 13 minutes in my newest coffee roaster that has a computer programmer. The coffee is best left until the next day so the taste can mellow. But WOW! The taste is as good as the first...
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