Coffee's ready...

Opa, you said it all.
A good morning all. Just got the 2nd cup. The roosters are crowing singing their song of the dawning of a new day. Sigh, Life is Good.
I just need some of that Apple Crisp to go with this coffee.
KL, what project are you working on?
Hi chickenannie, have a cup of coffee and chat. One of my sons gave me a wagon with balloon tires, drop and removable sides and back. I just pull it up next to the trunk, roll and pull bags out right on the wagon. Pull it to where it goes and roll it off the wagon. some times I tip the wagon on it's side and let the bags slid off. Works for me. I live alone and don't have a man around to do the man things for me. So I put the wagon, wheelbarrow and hand cart to good use.
I think we all have a little devil in us at times

Hey I'm in PA here too! Cool and overcast. It's suppose to rain.
House work, then maybe some sewing as well.
Always have things to do
The fog covers the farm this morning in thick, lazy mist but the roosters still know that it is morning.
First cup, cinnamon toast. Last day of the three day weekend and I actually thought about having to go back to work tomorrow, ugh. Going to get going early, get some chores done here, and head to my brothers for BBQ and swimming.
All Hail Summer, for she's headed into the sunset; and Fall's getting dressed up for her dance of pretty colors.
Good morning from New Hampshire. I just finished doing some research for school, and I'm now rewarding myself by checking in to BYC and a second cup of coffee. If I checked in first, I'd never get anything done all day.

Today's plan is to reglaze and paint some free windows that are going into the new henhouse.

Have a great day!
This morning I was checking the birds and the runs are starting to look like someone has been butchering pillows in there. Looks terrible and I was telling my oldest son what a pain it was going to be rake up the feathers since alot of them are trapped by the fencing. He suggested that I should do what he does, burn them. He has a long handled propane torch with a long hose attached to a 20# propane bottle which was designed for weed control. He says it's much quicker, kills and insects that might be in the feathers and also any weeds that the chickens haven't killed. Makes sense to me.
How bout that I look " kinda like" Sam elliot ?Too !
Warms me Wish you'd have said a younger version of but I guess beggars arent too choosey.I'll make that my avitar when my daughter comes in to the shop. Oh yeh I get to meet her boy friend today so i' ve got to get busy composing the I'll kick your ass if list!
Thanks for the tip Opa. I have been trying to justify buying a weed burning torch for my garden. One more use for it. It is almost in the cart.

Good Morning All. We were threatened to have showers all day today. And high winds, thunder and lightning over night. I woke up today to the surprise of mostly blue skies and a beautiful day. Falls not here yet! Maybe we can sneak in a few more sunny ones before the inevitable cold and moisture bear down.

I am tearing down some blackberry vines over my fence and putting the first layer of sand in my coop. Maybe I will get in a little bit of coop opera before the day is done.

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