Coffee's ready...

Need to sign off gotta go talk to a guy about candy eqipment he needs fixed see you all later. Oh yeh my little girl inherited my good looks and her mom's tall slender figure and I think this boy friend thing is gonna be trouble horns no sam Elliot look only areal femmonine girl that rides runs uses tools and puts on make up.
Funny .. DH and I are the youngest in our camping group .. they make similar comments ... especially after sleeping (or not sleeping) on the ground.

**we attract old people .. they are everywhere**

She will always be your little girl

Good morning. Looks beautiful out here.

I have a zoning board meeting to attend tonight. Long story ...
But this is the last of it. I'm suppose to get ??? not sure but we present our case about my chickens. Their is no ordinance on them, but the neighbor has raised a fuss. so we will see what happens.
HollyO is right! She will always be your little girl. our job is to teach them How to leave the nest. Love them and pray they don't get hurt. Be there for them. I think, they will not need you as often, for awhile, while they are testing their wings. For us as a parent Example, says it all.

KL, I have a question for you. Are you man or women? The photo said man, with red things sticking out of his head,
:lau That was funy. Did I read a post that said woman?

HollyO, Do you know who it is? Can you talk to them? take them Eggs? Whatever it takes to get on the talking about the chickens. Pros and cons. Good Luck
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I think he was referring to the fact his daughter might be a tomboy but cleans up real nice. Plus she doesn't look like Sam Elliott.
Yes I know which Neighbor. My husband and I have been Polite and kind, shoveled their walk most of last winter, as she is elderly. We have been quite considerate. But alas for what ever reason she tells me to move back to Canada, and that I'm nothing but trouble.
So I have resigned myself to the fact that we all can not get along and it's ok. I do not try to do anything to irritate her. But I guess just my existence does it.
I have less than a dozen hens, and a small call duck (drake). None are old enough to be laying yet.
I do however feel I have the right to own PET chickens and their is no law against it. SO ..... I'm going to do what I need to.
I have already had a giant cup of coffee and am about to start my second. Cold coffee with lots of milk this AM. Cinnamon Toast with it!

Karl - As I get older I have a different perspective on things. I have come to recognize that when it comes to girls, it really is more about the time a father takes with them than the mother. If a girl feels like she is loved enough and yet given some freedoms at home, she is more likely to be patient and experience things at appropriate times in her life. Without that connection, she will be searching for someone to take her away from home. Even todays independant girls seem to be stronger and more confident if dad is willing to give them some positive attention, IMHO. It sounds like you have done that.

There is a thick marine layer over us today on the Washington coast. It isn't burning off quickly, but patches of blue are peeking through. Promises to be a fairly nice day!
Oh, well that explains a lot. You know those Canadians, always causing trouble. And they are so different from us in the states. Their culture is just intolerable. And now chickens. We know better than that here.
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